What Are All These Guys Doing Here???

Event Date

Dec 24, 2018

FNG-1 is Pyle's 2.0 – Shoeless.  Pyle needs to quit being a slacker and registar him.

It was Festivus Eve Eve and all throughout RCUSA not a creature was stirring except for the anarchist uproar Spearheaded (like the pun???) by the Russians.  The Russians decided to hold a non-F3RCUSA board sanctioned workout but fear not nine God fearing and American loving PAX showed up, followed the rules, and joined the F3RCUSA board sanctioned and approved Monster Mile.

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20

  • IST x 20

  • Vegetation grabbers x 20

  • Mountain climbers x 10

The Thang

  • Partner up and grab a rock per team, mosey to the side lot


  • Courtesy of DJ Pinky Slip Christmas music played in the background putting the PAX in a festive mood – even the typically grumpy PAX members seemed pleased with Pink Slips music selection


  • Dora Round One – #1 starts the exercises while #2 runs to the bottom of the hill…rotate until sets completed

    • 100 – Shambalas (these sucked)

    • 200 – Military presses

    • 300 – Skull crushers


  • Dora Round Two – #1 starts the exercises while #2 Zamperinis to the edge of the Cemetery and back…rotate until sets completed

    • 100 – Box jumps (I hate box jumps but on the positive side it wasn’t burpees)

    • 200 – Dips

    • 300 – Squats


  • Russian twist x 20 (in defiance of the anarchist led Spearhead at Hope Park)

  • Mack tar jie x 12


  • YHC noticed a lot of laughter from the PAX at the first round of Dora, which I did not understand…turns out a 0530 rendezvous at the back parking lot of the Church, was being interrupted by the F3RCUSA MM PAX.YHC assumed the couple would leave once they saw all the crazy guys running towards them…I was wrong – they were focused.  The couple’s diligence continued until the second round of Dora, which involved the PAX moving right next to them, which caused their prompt departure.  Not sure if they were finished or irritated but it made for great chatter amongst the PAX and caused speculation/consideration of a name change and/or sub title addition to memorialize today’s event.


  • It was a great honor to lead this group of God fearing and American loving PAX at the MM today.


Merry Christmas and Happy Festivus!
