What are you doing with your time?

Event Date

Feb 20, 2017

So be careful what you say yes to while walking around the AO.  On Saturday someone asked if I could get the flag, at the same time that Hefty asked for someone to Q Monday, I said “I got it” and picked up the flag.  So late Sunday night I am scrolling through the chatter on slack to see where Hefty said “thanks @csharp for picking up the Q”.  After reading that, I realized what had happened, looks like I’m Q in about 8 hours, better cook up something presidential for the PAX, so here we go:

Disclaimer of different sorts:

I have never Q’ed a weekday, and it is dark, so you might get an hour long workout, and you might not.  Let’s see how this goes…


RoL stretch, LoR stretch, Right Calf, Left Calf – Starting off strong with the tough stuff…

10 IC Cotton Pickers


10 Mummy Kicks

10 Chinook Squats (3 arm circles one squat) – Kind of presidential AKA: Army One

*Did you know that anything the POTUS travels in has call name that ends in one… Marine One, Air Force One, Executive One…

The Thang:

Mosey to the top of the rock pile to get a rock.  No not a running rock, no not a curling rock, but two small gravel.  Bring them with you; let’s mosey up to the parking lot.  The rocks will be used much later, but I like to keep’em guessing.

Explain to the pax that we put down the gravel for now and line up on the bottom line.  Flip a coin before each round, presidential heads we do 5 of exercise, tales we do 10.

Suicides up the parking lot and do exercise only on each line, none at the bottom.  Plank for the 6 when done each round.

Round 1 – MC (heads)

Round 2 – LBC (heads)

Round 3 – Squats (tails)

Grab your gravel and mosey over to launch for quick drink of water. 

Stick Indian run to the back baseball field hill (with your gravel, uhm for added weight?  Keeping the PAX guessing…).

Quadra Feel Ya 2 times and plank for 6(with your gravel).

This is the part where Cutler takes a crap and we all watch DoubleCheck “be responsible” 😉

Stick Indian run to the bleachers (still with your gravel in hand or pocket, swing by the dumpster on the way by for DoubleCheck to ditch the “extra weight”)

Set your gravel down for this…

Flip the coin – Heads 5, tails 10

Round 1 – Box Hops OYO

Round 2 – Dips IC

Round 3 – back step lunge, passing gravel under leg each pass.

Grab your gravel and head over to the wall for:

Marching wall sits – about 60 seconds. March in place while iron chair, also while holding gravel in hands straight out with palms up.

Circle up.  Everyone holds low squat, putting a gravel on each thigh (forcing a low squat).  Hold as long as you can without gravel falling off legs.  Once you have to stand/quit then plank until everyone fails or Q calls it.

First round was a standoff, Q had to call it.


Pick up your gravel and Mosey back to the launch pad.

Place gravel at your feet, 20 OYO pickups, each time pickup or set down a piece of gravel.




5 IC Fire hydrant R

5 IC Fire hydrant L

5 IC Stranded Turtles

Partner up

10 Partner sit ups with punches – stand on partner toes and use hands as targets to punch (switch and repeat)

* Pile up the gravel somewhere near the launch pad.



Psalm 90:4, 10, 12

A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Our time is truly limited.  If we truly count each day, we will spend it more wisely.  Most of the things we spend our time on are foolish.  Where are you spending your precious time?


  • For those who skipped reading above, Cutler takes a crap.

  • Plenty of barking spiders today, although I think they all came from the same place…

  • I thought I built a decent running/leg workout, but only added up to 1.3 miles… L

  • Got my tweet out early to keep Skipper happy for today.

  • Mulligan, when I say pick two small gravel, very shortly after, says he is going to tell SVU about the small rocks we used.

  • I’m sure there was more to tell…