What big blocks you have

Event Date

Dec 02, 2019

Glad to get one more Q in at Arnie's while it is still under Auto's management!  Great AO and MQ that runs a tight ship!

Pre Warmup- Auto and Perrier crushing it with a standard

Warm Up
We started with an old school warmup caged in on the basketball courts-side straddle hop, IST, Windmill, mountain climbers then 10 merkins in cadence.

The Thang

Mosey to monkey bars, go across, knock out 8 pullups and then plank, from there 10 merkins in cadence. 

Partner up,  partner one gets in as many pullups as they can while partner 2 does 7 burpies-switch

partner one tries to keep chin above the bar while partner two does 6 burpies-switch

partner one does dips on the low bars while partner two does 5 burpies-switch

partner one does pullups while partner two does 4 burpies-switch?
mosey back to the blocks (pax was very slow mosey far behind the q

partner one gets two blocks while partner two runs a quick lap
in cadence Curls, skull crusher, dips, lawn mower, chest press, Merkins
Partner 1 Shoulder shrug while partner 2 runs a lap-switch

merkins 20 in cadence

10 dips in cadence on blocks
partner 1 two block-farmers carry partner 2 5 burpies 10 WWII sit-ups, catch partner-2 2 laps around lot-audible to go to 5 WWII after each partner did one round at 10
Curls, skull crusher, dips, lawn mower, chest press, Merkins
 partner 2 Blocks back partner 1 runs a lap

instructions for a quicker mosey to the picknick tables for incline merkins, dips and squats in cadence.  Back to parking lot for some quick mary-low flutter and crunchy frog

Suprise of the day was that Arnies is down to 4 normal size cinder blocks and has about 14 of the large ones.  Made each block exercise a bit more difficult but made the farmers carry especially difficult.  There will be a donation to help fund a few more normal size blocks!

Great work this am gents, thanks for letting me lead!