Wow! First of all, want so say thank you to all of you who showed up the am to help out this AO and to support YHC. I’m very grateful to be apart of this group! 9 Lives, Calypso, Jedi, Mr. Burns, Ramrod, and YHC got in some hill work for #thestandard.Warmorama:Mosey to the traffic circleSSH x20 IC, Merkins x10 IC, IST x20 IC, CDD x 10 IC, Mt. Climbers x20 IC, 10 Burpees OYOMosey to the bottom of Hugh Torrence HillThe Thang:Partner up, Size does not matterHand Slap Merkins x 10High Ten Burpees x 10Synchronized Squats x 10One lap up the hill and back downPartner Shoulder Touch Merkins x10Leglocked Sit-ups x10Synchronized Partner Lunges x5 each legAnother lap up the hill and back downMosey back to the traffic circleMerkin Time Bomb, 10 count then 5 countMonkey Humber Time Bomb, 10, then 5Mosey back to parking lot for MaryMary:Low Dolly x20 ICLow Flutter x 20 ICWell that was awkward Moleskin:1.) Great turn out, again I can’t thank you all enough!2.) As I said this morning, for me, jumping into F3 forced me to break down reservations and get out of my comfort zone. That’s what I was going for this morning, so I hope you had fun with it. It’s great that we can come the work outs and get stronger more in shape, but it’s so much more than that. It’s the friendships were building, the laughter and jokes, the mumble chatter and words of encouragement, the brotherhood we get to be apart of, and the support we show one another is really what sets us apart.3.) #TClaps to Blackberry for getting this AO started and thanks for the opportunity!4.) Thought about commenting on some of the mumble chatter the am, but I’ll leave that for you guys in the comments….Til next time, Chapo Out