What Convergence…oh man…

Event Date

Aug 16, 2016




Forward by Cheetah:  It happens to everyone at some point.  The workout group has a Convergence planned and, for whatever reason, somebody doesn't get the email and a solo workout opportunity appears.  Not everyone does the solo workout.  Or it isn't a full effort workout.  Or it isn't the full time frame….well, Anvil isn't everyone.  He's a guy made of the stuff befitting his nickname.  He's a guy that gets the job done.  He does the work.  He prepares himself.  I think the email below tells you a little bit more about our Sherrill's Ford maniac.  He's preparing for next Friday's GoRuck Tough in Charlotte.  10-12 hr event with 30# on his back.  [another rucker, we should consider a local event sometime.  I have ideas….muahahaha]  He's one tough dude.  He's Anvil.  Enjoy his email/backblast below…and dude, it matters.


Well, there was one at SVU….one who does not read his emails well. However, I dutifully completed a workout you can count if it matters.

Warm up
Two 10 round amraps of curls, overhead press, squats, flutter kicks and push ups…1 min on 30 sec rest

Run to the clubhouse and back, said Pledge as passed flag

Four rounds of Ashtanga Sun Salutations (hard yoga)

Four trips up the parking lot doing lunges

I did not invite Mary to the of the workout. As a married man I felt it inappropriate to be there alone with another woman! 🙂

Spiritual thought: Romans 8:1… If God be for us, who can be against us?
Sometimes we end up in situations where we have to step into the unknown and trust the Lord and His light will be there with us.  Because, really, He is with us and loves us, so how can we possibly fail? Amen!

Next week is my GoRuck Tough challenge….pray I survive!
