What do you mean run a lap?

Hmmm, I thought there was 20 but I've only got 19 names…am I missing someone or was my count off?

Blackbeard reached out to me and voluntold me I had the Q at Mighty Jungle on 6/8 and I'm not one to argue with him so I "gladly" accepted. I preblasted my Q as to keep the salty one as happy as one can expect. I have posted at MJ once, maybe twice so I really didn't know the AO but have a few standby workouts that go over well everywhere. The mumblechatter started as soon as I stepped out of my car and continued throughout the workout.

The old standby I used on this wonderfully humid morning was the Nordic Challenge. I got this workout from Zamboni, who got it from the pax in Asheville. I modified by more than 20% so there can't be any accusations of copyright infringement.

Enough of the backstory, here kinda sorta how things went…

  • THE Burpee – It's the buy-in for all my workouts
  • Warm Up – SSH, Windmill, IST, Stretching
  • 10 OYO – Royal Burpees (This is the burpee as it originally meant to be down, no merkin or jump)
  • Run 2 laps around the church (YHC quickly realized running was not the norm at MJ and trying to run 2 laps after every exercise would've resulted in physical harm)
  • 10 IC (20) –Monkey Humpers
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot
  • 15 IC (30) – Merkins
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot
  • 20 IC (40) – Plank Jacks
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (this time we eliminated a lane)
  • 25 IC (50) – Overhead Seal Claps
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (same route as last time)
  • 30 IC (60) – Alternating Lunges
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (we eliminated another lane)
  • 35 IC (70) – Squats
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (we reversed the direction this time)
  • 40 IC (80) – LBC’s
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (same as the last lap)
  • 45 IC (90) – Flutter Kicks
  • Run 1 lap around the parking lot (same as the last lap)
  • 50 IC (100) – Moroccans
  • We ran up to the blocks where Outlaw lead us in a few rounds
  • Back to the starting point where Goat lead us in some Mary because I just love his cadence calls.
  • Recover, recover


  • There was a lot of good mumblechatter today especially since I didn't realize that running is kind of off-limits at Mighty Jungle. Should have known since the MQ is Blackbeard
  • THE Burpee was acceptable by Outlaw Standards, the Royal Burpee, not at all. I knew I'd have to pay my penance during the COT
  • Lot of fun leading guys I don't normally workout with, which I'm sure contributed to the mumblechatter
  • This was a bittersweet Q for me today as I'm taking a hiatus from bootcamps to focus on running, doing a few long-distance relays late summer and early fall.
  • I'm always humbled to lead such HIM especially when it is outside the borders of the PRoD. I appreciate each and every one of you for all you have done for me.

