What does an anniversary, kettle bells, FNGs and an Air Hockey table have in common? Pain!

Event Date

Feb 10, 2022

One week after I get a DM to Q Mighty Oak, ironically Cherry Bomb reached out requesting my presence.  I really started to question what the heck was going on.  Because I did not know how my body would handle my first Q and really post in January, I offered up to Q on my 7 year anniversary.

Already having to postpone a guest Q somewhere that shall not be named, I worried whether I could Q this time around.  Asprin, boots and lack of sleep got me delirious enough to muster enough mustard to get out there. 

I was told to bring the pain because there were 2 FNGs present.  I showed up.  Oh…and I think I delivered a decent beatdown worthy of Olive lore of years past.

It went something like this:

Rolled up and planted the Operation Sweet Tooth shovel flag.

Exchanged some pleasantries, waited for Cherry Bomb to deliver some extra bells.

Start time 533am

Pledge of Allegiance

Grab bell overhead and walk to side of Church

#Disclaimer in the manner of flight instructions.  #Mumblechatter started early.

Warm O Rama

All exercises IC

12 SSH

12 IST

12 Mountain Climbers

12 Toy Soliders

12 Merkins

Arm circles F and B


The Thang


P1 runs to the 2nd Pole, does 3 burpees and makes their way back

P2 Performs exercise.  Jimmy O, FNG Steve and I tripled up.


100 KB Swings

200 Overhead Press

300 skull crushers (or soul crushers)


Thank you May I have another says Jobe.  Well by golly, here you go!


Rinse and Repeato with different exercises

P1 Runs to middle pole and performs 10 LBC and runs back

P2 performs the exercises

150 Chest Press

250 Curls

350 Squats


MARY 10 Russian Twists

Hoodie did not like that we ended late.  But it was 45 minutes.  I care about your fitness.

Bell overhead back to launch



Matt and Steve…You guys were FNG’s but that did not phase you.  Thanks for coming out and hope to see you both out soon!

Polar Bear Saturday

Purple Heart Home 5k with Speed for Need



Daytona 500 makes its return to Mad Sci which makes its return.

YHC took us out.

Help carry bells back to Cherry Bombs truck


But wait…there is more…

Ask for the Pax to carry down an old air hockey table at GCC.  Tricky but the Pax were able to assist.

Good deed done for the day before sunrise!

“Storm” says he will get our workout next week.  That is an HC.

Thanks for the EH and opportunity to lead.  Apparently is has been a while.  Right DH?

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Anything for Granted.

Humbly Yours-
