What does the fox say?…

Event Date

Oct 04, 2016


7 men met in the gloom this morning and were seranaded by the wildlife…

The Q had a vicious running workout that required an even number of victims…and it was looking great with 6 individuals 75% through warmups…fortunately for the pax Metro shows up at 5:33! Omaha!


  • Imperial Squat Walkers – 10IC
  • Tony Hawks – 10IC
  • Low Country Crab – 10IC
  • SSH – 15IC


Since the running was off the table we headed to the back to do some exercises I crafted this summer while in das boot! 

Just as we started the 1st circuit we heard a loud hoot call no more than 20 yards in the gloomy forest.  Definitely put the pax on edge for any foxes or coyotes that might want to join us.  All it seemed to do was piss off all the dogs in SV.

7 person grinder:

Rds 1 & 2

  • Pull up – Knee up combo
  • incline merkins
  • Dips
  • Merkins on parallel bars
  • Burpees
  • Bench press w/ block on zig zag bars
  • Block Curls

After each circuit – every man grabbed a pole and did Copperhead Iron Chair – started high and dropped every 15 seconds for 1-2 minutes

Rds 3 & 4

  • Hanging Toe touches
  • Sit ups with Blocks
  • Lunges
  • Lightbulbs exercise where you do a reverse stranded turtle on the 2 stands – everyone agrees they're awful
  • burpees
  • zig zag jumps
  • Block squats

Same copperhead iron chairs after each circut

Headed out to parking lot and did a double hill run to kill a few minutes before Mary.

Mary go round:

  • Low Dolly (Cheetah)
  • Reverse Crunch (Mulligan)
  • Dr. W (Metro)
  • LBC (Thuess)


  • Lots of animal noises in the forest to keep our senses on high alert this morning.
  • Not so much noise from the pax since we were minus the trumpets
  • Tons o complaining on the reverse stranded turtle exercise

I'll need a Q-Sub in two weeks (10/18) if anyone is interested.  Let me or Metro know if you want to take it!

Pleasure to lead this morning!