The easter bunny's plan to hide eggs through out the neighbor was fraught with logistical issues. The Q quickly nixed the plan and let the pax pick the egg and "roll" with it. Here's how it turned out:
Warmup: Run to top of pool property and back
Each of the pax, randomly gets plastic easter eggs with workout "prize" inside! Run exercise then quick run around the pool lot.
- 30 Curb Kicks, 30 Calf Raises, 30 Curb Kicks with Repeato
- 1 minute Imaginary Jump Rope, 10 Mike Tysons, 1 minute Imaginary Jump Rope with Repeato
- 20 LBC, 20 Dying Cockaroach, 20 Freddy Mercury, 20 Gas Pumps, 20 LBC with Repeato
- 10 Mericans, 20 Squats, 30 SSH with Repeato
- Merican Fest: 10 Diamond, 10 Wide, 10 Regular, 10 Decline, 10 Regular
- 10 Partner Situps, 10 Leg Throwdowns with Repeato
- 30 High Knees, 15 LBC, 30 High Knees
- Good fun today and a workout to boot! We seemed to lose an egg or two along the way. There was quite a few attempts to recreate the suprise inside, but alas the pax is poor liers.
- These are great Egg-ercises.
- El Tigre recanted a story of eyelid replace that turned out cockeyed.
- If the exercise paper fell out of the easter egg before the turn, it would be a premature Egg-aculation.
- There was lot of school boy giggling from the partner situps and leg throwdowns
- Egg-cellent time!
- Happy Easter! Look out for the community project next weekend.