What goes up must come down

Event Date

Jan 22, 2020

6 men emerged from the gloom despite the frigid temperatures to take on the pain that Caboose had in store.


Mosey from the launching point along the front of Grand Oak Elementary and around to back of school.


Circle up for Warm-o-Rama 

SSH 25x I.C.

IST 15x IC 

Cotton picker 15x I.C.

Windmill 15x I.C.

Toy Soldier 10x IC 


Pax instructed to grab a block. Q instructed pax that a ladder would be performed consisting of squat, kettlebell swing, squat thruster, lawnmower, and merkin. Ladder started with 1 repetition of each and a run going to 4th basketball goal. Ladder went up to 8 and what goes up must come down. Q decided midway through that squat thruster would switch to just an overhead press. Blocks were put up after pax completed.


Mosey to front of school by planters. 

10x box jumps

Dips 20x I.C.

The burpee


Mosey around the parking lot the long way back to launching point.

Alternating lunges 15x IC

Plank, right arm up, back to center, left up arm, back to center 

Recover Recover 



Strong work put in by all.