*** Big ol' sheepish #cobains for the pax list.  We had 22 out there.  I remember about 15 names so in order to not offend the others, I'll just say we had a great pax today.  Oh and the reality is that I have an iphone but don't really know how to use the voice recorder like most other Q's do.

You know it's #TheStandard when you don't preblast it, and still pax show. T-claps to Jolly Roger and Burner (perhaps others I am unaware of) for meeting #TheStandard.  29 degrees was enough for YHC to consider #TheStandard but then say "meh" I'll watch some SportsCenter instead.  As YHC rolled into the gloom he was greeted by 21 other pax ready to check-in for their #straycation.  And here is how the itenerary played out……

Warmorama:  your garden variety time consumers

  • SSH x17ic (obligatory)
  • IST x17ic (why not)
  • Cotton Pickers x17ic ('cause BKOI that's why)
  • Arm Circles x30sec each way (YHC was already tired of cadence)

The Thang:  Congratulations! You just won an all expense paid trip to Club Fed

Get familiar with lines on the courts

  • Alley hops 30 seconds
  • Line hops 30 seconds

Divide into two groups for simulated match using framework of the court

  • Run vertical lines to net; backpedal back, sidestep horizontal lines.  Done one at a time, while remaining PAX does Slow Deep Squats
  • Losing Team does 10 burpees, Winning Team does 10 merkins
  • Bear crawl vertical lines to net; crawl bear back, plank walk horizontal lines.  Done one at a time, while remaining PAX does Slow Deep Squats….sucks wind and encourages others
  • Losing Team does 10 burpees, Winning Team does 10 merkins
  • Sprint courts then Prison Yard Love x 10, flap jack and repeato back
  • Suicides across both courts

(YHC realizes a repeato ain't gonna go well with the pax so we go off script from here)

Partner up and mosey to rock pile.  Partner 1 gets a rock that would make your mamma proud (hat tip Calypso even in his absence), Partner 2 gets two one-handers.

  • Partner 1 full curl 30sec; Partner 2 front shoulder raises 30sec
  • Flap Jack
  • Partner 1 skull crushers 30sec; Partner 2 side shoulder raises 30sec
  • Flap Jack
  • Partner 1 overhead press 30sec, Partner 2 merkins 30sec
  • Flap Jack

Mosey to sidewalk

  • Ladder — Quadrafeelia up hill; 10 burpees, back down, 1 LBC
  • Q audible at 6/4

Mary: she's your cruise director from the lido deck

  • The W x17ic
  • Low Flutter x17ic
  • J-Lo x17ic ('cause BEP was here and its one of his favs)
  • Homer to Marge to Rosalita x10ic to Homer to Low Dolly x10ic
  • Mason Twist

COT:  The most impactful tweet of 2016 was — "God has never looked in your mirror and wished he saw someone different."  Men have a lot of pressure – to provide, to lead, to "have the answer", to fix it, and if we're honest….the pressure to just appear to have it together.  It can be tough. Take that statement from the tweet and use it to encourage another man that you know needs it.  Another man who you may not know needs it — (even if life is perfect would you really be offended if someone told you that God loves you?).  Let's build eachother up.

One time on straycation….. moleskin:

  • YHC Q'd a Club Fed workout before but had about 10 pax and it was great.  22 was definitely too much for it. Sincerest #cobains as I tried to make a change to the workout so that it was more impactful.  I appreciate you sticking with me.
  • Biggest news of the day is that Black Eyed Pea came to a YHC led workout, effectively ending a 3 1/2 year boycott.  Up next….peace in the middle east!  Great to see you there BEP (roll tide)
  • If there is a better name in NoCo than BouncyHouse, I have yet to hear it.
  • Pax of 22….we partnered up in two's…..yet we had one left over……hmmmmm.  Actuarially speaking (hat tip Burner) that shouldn't happen. 
  • The cadence of 17 count was not for the year 2017, but rather for Roger Federer (ie Club Fed and the tennis court workout) the greatest tennis player of all time who holds 17 grand slam titles.
  • Where two or more Incognitians are gathered, the mumblechatter is sure to be on fleek.  YHC had to switched from in-cadence to time-based in order to keep focused. 
  • A whole lot of #respect out there.  4 pax I believe.
  • Prison Yard Love followed by Suicides…..coincidence…..?
  • Pax recognized 9 Lives's absense as he starts his new career as a firefighter.  What is awesome about it is that in a text last night, 9 Lives told me to say hello to the pax.  Before I could do that, The Force had already recognized it is a bummer without 9 Lives posting and called to pray for him in his new endeavor.  That is  #brotherhood.
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning.  As a steward of your nonrefundable 45 minutes of time, I hope you are better for it, for that was my goal.