What is my Nickname? Dori moment

FNG-1 is Luke, Now known as Dori

9 PAX for KB burner

Mosey around parking lot to pick up stragglers 

Circle up for Warm-aroma – slow IC windmills X 10, long snapper IC X 15, IST IC X 10, SSH IC X 20, Arm Circles

Carry KBs Allen Iverson style to back of the school playground for –

Set of: KB Swings X 10 count, upright row X 10 count, full curls X 10 count, overhead shoulder press X 10 count, skull crushers X 10 count. Overhead shoulder press X 10 count, full curls X 10 count. Bells down 

Mosey to benches and Circle up for core – dieing cockroach IC X 10, rosalita IC X 10, WWII IC X 10 

Mosey to benches for: bench dips X 15 count X 2 rounds. then Mosey to lower benches for inclined Mericans X 15 count.

Return to bells for Callahan Q’d: KB Swings X 10 count, full curls X 10 count, overhead shoulder press X 10 count, skull crushers X 10 count. Overhead shoulder press X 10 count, full curls X 10 count. Bells down 

Mosey to benches and Circle up for core – LBCs IC X 10, pretzel crunches IC X 10 each side, low flutter IC X 10 

Mosey to benches for:  dips X  10 count for 2 rounds, Mosey to lower benches for inclined Mericans X 10 count for 2 rounds 

Return to the bells for MobyDick Q’d: KB swing IC X 10, Lawnmowers IC X 10 each arm, On your 6 for: chest press IC X 10, Mason twists IC X 10, Rosalita IC X 10 

Mosey to benches for: forward lunge X 5 each leg, SSH IC X 10, side lunges X 5 each leg, side lunges with squat X 5 each leg

Mosey to the benches for: dips X 5 for 2 rounds, the dips X 10. Mosey to lower benches for inclined Mericans X 5, inclined Mericans X 10.

Back to the bells. Zamperini to launch 

Recover, Recover

Announcements –

Flo-Kiwanis Club of LKN is looking for vendors for our Thanksgiving Dinner Project @D9Brewing 11/11. $50 (basically the cost of sponsoring a family). Be a vendor, volunteer to play music, or give money to help feed over 400 families a Thanksgiving dinner! Check social media for more details.

F3 Christmas Party on Dec. 1st. Check social media for full details.

Prayers – unspokens for PAX. A few PAX with deceased relatives, please keep them and their families in your prayers 🙏.


Great to have Wipeout out in the GLOOM. 👊 Luke was named after the POST at Coffeeteria. He is now known as Dori (thx Grenade for the nickname 👍)
