What is this Slinky thing???

17 PAX gathered. 3 PAX had makeup work for a Horseshoe 

Mosey to the lighted parking lot for Warm O Roma: slow windwill IC X 10, chin (or shin 🤷🏼‍♂️) to the knee for 5 count hold then middle hang and left knee, long snapper IC X 15, IST IC X 10, Toy Soldier IC X 15.

Mosey to the Gazebo for:

4 Corners: corner 1 – SE = 10 CCDs, then mosey to corner 2 – NE = corner 1 + 20 Red Neck ISTs then corner 3 – NW = corners 1 & 2 + 30 mountain climbers, then corner 4 – SW = corners 1, 2, & 3 + 40 LBCs, then reverse the corners in opposite direction.

Mosey back to lighted parking lot for Core work: on your six – LBCs IC X 15, Pretzel Crunch IC X 15 ea side, full crunch IC X 15, dieing cockroach IC X 15, WWIIs IC X 10, elbow plank hold for 45 seconds 

The Slinky Ladder:

All PAX do the traditional ladder, except the rep count doesn’t start until the 6 (last PAX) gets to the top or bottom of the ladder. Top of the ladder = CCDs, bottom of the ladder = squats. 11 count ladder

Mobility moment – mind blown air bender for 1 minute, pigeon into Upward Pigeon ea leg

Mosey to the the concourse between the buildings and grab some wall for:

peoples chair with airport control arms IC X 10, then peoples chair with air presses IC X 10. Grab wall for praying mantis IC X 10, repeato but 3 bricks lower on the wall

Mosey to the Yoga studio concourse for step ups. Round 1 OYO 15 count ea leg, Round 2 10 count ea leg 

Mosey back to launch point for Accelerator

Recover, Recover 

Announcements – as the YHC was trying to plug the Kiwanis food raiser for Flo, a slip of the tongue (which I am well known for doing countless times) I said Kiawah Island 🤦🏼‍♂️.

Flo-Kiwanis Club of LKN is looking for vendors for our Thanksgiving Dinner Project @D9Brewing 11/11. $50 (basically the cost of sponsoring a family). Be a vendor, volunteer to play music, or give money to help feed over 400 families a Thanksgiving dinner! Check social media for more details.

F3 Christmas Party on Dec 1.

Prayers – unspokens among PAX

Thank you Oyster for taking us out in prayer and the Lord’s prayer by all PAX was very touching 🙏

Moleskin great Coffeeteria with a pleasant exchange/interaction with Sean. Hopefully more to come there