What…Me Worry?

Event Date

Sep 23, 2017


6 joined forces to punch the sloth in the mouth.  Various workouts were rolling around YHC's head this morning.  How much running?  How many pull ups?  Will I ever preblast and prepare as much as C# does?  I wasn't sure exactly what to do, even through warm ups, but then Diesel rides in on the BMW.  Confusion dissipates.  The plan becomes clear.  I'll never be able to re-create the manliness of this workout in a mere backblast.  #gottashowtoknow  This is about how it went down.

Warm Up:
20x SSH
20x mountain climbers
20x windmills
20x dippy birds (10 each leg) #balancemuch
10x merkins
20x low country crab cakes

The Thang:
Mosey back to the back
10 pull ups
Grab a block, partner up into 3 lines at the bottom of the pkg lot
*** myriad of discussions regarding the water flowing from Gordon's sprinklers all the way down to the AO; voluminous disturbance to my parking lot fun plan, but the guys made it work…and somehow I was convinced not to do burpee broad jumps without realizing the scam…
A does traditional 3-line suicide, B does curls, flip-flop
A does suicide, B does shoulder press, flip-flop
A does suicide, B does skull crushers, flip-flop

quadraphelia up the big hill + mosey back

A planks, B butt kickers up + mosey back, flip-flop
A planks, B high knees up +mb, flip-flop
A planks, B karaoke up and down, flip-flop

Back to the suicides
A does suicide, B does curls, flip-flop
A does suicide, B does shoulder press, flip-flop
A does suicide, B does skull crushers, flip-flop

Burpee hill run ladder
LBH + 5 burpees
LBH + 4 burpees
LBH + 3 burpees
merkin inch worm across the parking lot

Go to the back ro return blocks
20…ugh…10 block sit up, stand up, presses
10 pull ups
blocks back

20x LBC's
20x slow scissors
60 seconds American Hammer

Reflection:  Phillipians 4:5-6
6 Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in every circumstance and situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your specific requests known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
– I heard on the radio recently that The Bible is the most popular text on Amazon Kindle.  Also, heard that this verse was the most highlighted verse.
– I would have assumed it was John 3:16, and in fact, a little googling suggests that as well, with the above verse 2nd.
– Who knows?  There aren't a lot of formal references on line.
– Regardless, the fact that the above verse is often highlighted suggests to me that being anxious and worried must be a very common emotion/feeling.
– Read it again.  Do not be worried.  Pray about your situation.  God's peace will be with you.
– We each probably have wives and children that are anxious and worried about stuff.  
– Have we ever asked them, what's on your mind?  what's bugging you?  what makes you anxious or worrisome?  
– I encourage you to ask those questions and be prepared to take time and pray with them about their concerns.  Model Biblical behavior for your family.
– Don't just read this and think, 'oh, that's nice.'  
– Be intentional about your spiritual leadership in your family.

– T-claps to Diesel for riding in on his fine example of German engineering.  Sweet ride!
– T-claps to Skipper for EH'ing me last night for us to go for PR's on the Gov Island Up segment.  We both PR'ed!  Nicely done Sir!
– Probably a little too much conversation regarding GI distress.  Sorry.  A few tense moments after some of the running.
– T-claps to Atlantis for driving me home quickly after workout…'nuff said.
– T-claps to Dandelion for confirming research on who should have Q'ed Thursday.  I almost started off this bb with a complaint about LightBulb fartsacking and me Q'ing for him, but I'm afraid of his Q-wrath this coming Thursday.
– T-claps to Mulligan for deciding on SVU this morning.  Also, you need to check out his fb posts starring Bentlee.  Hi-larious

As always, a great honor to lead you guys today.  Painful and fun…a great 1-2 punch.