32 converged this am at The General for a VQ beat down! Despite the mumbleshatter from the veterans, it seemed successful. I did forget the disclaimer. Luckily there weren't any FNGs. 

WARM -O-RAMA (Yes, I lost count on a few. Doubt you noticed due to the Mighty Wind)

Lap around the field with high knees, cariocas (sp?), and butt kickers.

12 x side straddle hop

12 x windmill

12 x Imperial Storm Trooper

12 x cotton picker

12 x mountain climber

10 x Carolina dry docks

10 x merkins

10 x monkey humpers

THE THANG (Partner-up)

Round 1 – Partner 1 sprints to the light post and quadrafilia's (sp?) back while partner 2 starts on 30 burpees. Switch.

Plank it out to right/left arm and 20 knees to elbows OYO.

Round 2 – Partner 1 bear crawl to the cross walk, lunge to the light post, quads back while partner 2 maxes out LBC's. Switch.

Plank it out to right/left arm and 20 knees to elbows OYO.

Round 3 – Partner 1 crab walk to cross walk, lunge to light post, sprint back while partner 2 maxes out merkins. Switch.

Round 4 – Partner 1 sprints to light post and quads back while partner 2 starts on 100 air squats. Switch.

Plank it out to 20 knees to elbows OYO.

Mosey to the jungle gym for 10 pull-ups and 10 derkins. This is where I fell short on time. Should have thrown out a few REPEATOs. 


20 x Egyptians – Make fun but you felt the burn!

20 x air squats

20 x low flutters

10 x pilow talk right/left

10 x burpees OYO

Jolly and Geek took us out with some J-lo's and hand release merkins. Thanks guys.



I'm honored to be a part of F3 and to have had the opportunity to Q my first post. Thank you Geek for challenging me to step up. F3 is becoming more than just an early bootcamp to me. It's helping to shape my weekly routine and stay the course to becoming a better man. Leadership may not be an inherent trait in some but it can certainly be learned through desire and determination. This is why F3 is so great. It allows anyone to step up as long as you have the right intent. I believe in disruption in ones life and this morning was certainly that. I may not have killed it this morning but 31 men decided to follow me. No matter how you slice it, that builds character. 

Have a great weekend, men!
