What the?? It’s cold out! Let see if we can still sweat.

16 souls broke out the long pants they thought they had put away for the season and put in some interval work.

(FNGs 1 & 2 are KneeHigh and Squirrel (2.0s))

WARM-O-RAMA (sort of)


         – Right over left

         – Left over right

         – Arm Circles forward

         – Arm Circles reverse

While stretching, Q explains that this is a repeat of a workout from back in December.  The theme of the workout is to try to keep your heart rate in the "fat burn" zone throughout.  So we'll run – but somewhat slowly…

Oh yeah, a bunch of people (including the Q) brought ruck sacks – good luck keeping the heart rate down.

We'll run laps around the parking lot for 2 minutes and then we'll do an exercise for about 1 minute.  And then we'll repeat that, over and over, until we are done. 

For those that feel they must run faster, feel free to lengthen your lap around the lot as appropriate, but be back in 2 minutes (#scalable)

(start the warmup)

Lap 1 then        Side Straddle Hops

Lap 2 then        Windmills

Lap 3 then        Mountain Climbers

Lap 4 then        Imperial Squat Walkers

(reverse lap direction)

Lap 5 then        Cotton Pickers

Lap 6 then        Squats

Lap 7 then        Plank

Lap 8 then        'Merkins

(transition to Mary)

Lap 9 then        LBCs

Lap 10 then     Low Flutters

Lap 11 then     Box Cutters

(ruckers can jetison their packs)

One more lap



Colossians 4:5-6

5 Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.



  • Nice efforts by all.  There was a lot of sweat for such a chilly morning.  Q got about 2.5 miles in wearing a ruck so I know that some you must have gotten close to 3.5 – 4 miles.
  • A couple of PAX decided to offer up their best “toot toot” for SchoolBus during the ab exercises – but they were using unacceptable and quite odorous instruments.
  • Sonar loves him some scalability – usually just for him.  But today it seemed to help quite bit with ruckers and 2.0s in the mix.
  • Speaking of which…it is awesome to see 2.0s that are willing to roll out at 5am for a workout.  Nice job KneeHigh and Squirrel!
  • This ruck thing has taken on a life of its own.  Legs have been feeling the effects all day.  I guess that’s a good thing.
  • The goal of keeping the heart rate in the fat-burning zone wasn’t even remotely achieved by the Q.  I might have passed through the zone for a couple of minutes on the drive home…
  • As always, it is an honor to be given the opportunity to lead – and a privilege to just be a part of this incredible group of men.