What Time Do We Start At Again???

Event Date

Nov 04, 2016


We used the Berean method of scheduling a workout this morning. It was outlined in the preblast.  It mostly worked. Emmaus will return to it regularly scheduled time slot next week. 

Cornwallis was 1 minute because he thought we were starting at 0445.  He got to the AO by 0431.  For that, he earned 12 minutes of solo rucking before he was discovered in a dark parking lot. 

(Ty Webb was not actually at this workout, but Whatley was.  They share the same home AO over in MECA, ipso facto, they now share a PAX tag.)

Today's Activities:

0430:  1.6 Miles Ruck with a Kettlebell coupon to pass around.

0500:  Ruck WOD

– Ruck Over Head Hold (90 Seconds)

– Ruck Thrusters (60 Seconds)

– Ruck Squats (60 Seconds)

– Ruck Mason Twists (60 Seconds)   

   x 5 ROUNDS

(A random number of Ruck Burpees and Flutter Kicks were also incorporated, just so it would count as an official F3 Bootcamp)

0530: Emmaus Bible Study



Cornwallis was lost, but now he's found. 

Turnpike carried his loaner ruck like a champ today.  It was really a sight to see. He also HC'd for a future GORUCK event, not sure what event, but I certainly heard the "HC". 

Whatley just showed up in Isotope for a T-Shirt.  Passing out T-Shirts to visiting PAX is quickly becoming a thing, just another reason to raise the annual dues.

Blackberry is coming back stronger and better than ever.  Congrats on becoming a father, and the PAX are happy to see you back in action. 

Some other PAX did a little yogging and prancing around town.  You'll have to ask them if it was difficult.