What time is it?

Event Date

Oct 12, 2020


Who knew changing the start time each week could lead to such confusion.  Do take note I think Berean has settled on a 5:15 start time for the foreseable future.  As the Pax straggled in I realized the orignal plan of running with pain to meet up with the #ArniesArmy gents was going to make us late for coffee, and as Auto knows, the Berean boys take their coffee seriously.  So we improvised. 

Warm up: we ran in search of BBQ scents but were unsuccessul.  Instead we say Gnarly Goat do some amazing new side straddle move.  We did lots of Imperial Storm Troopers, some arm circles, mountain climbers, and merkins.  As we started to mosey I was told we should be looking for an FNG showing up for a 5:30 workout.  His name should have been Ghost II as he stealthily assimilated into the group.  We picked up a Rodeo and then headed to the parking deck in an ulta cautious rain avoidance manouver. 

The Thang: Turns out under the deck may have been wetter than outside of it but anyway that didnt stop us from some praying mantis and then.

50 of the following with a lap after each exercise: Merkins, Squats, WWII situps, Carolina DD, repeat with 40 each, repeat with 30 each.  

Then more praying mantis, some peoples chair, and then some Mary with 37 cruches to celebrate Big M's bday last week. Finish with Burpees and scoot back to Starbucks for coffeeteria.  We named the FNG today…Mongoose who is an awesome addition to F3LKN, nice work Goat getting him out and I am looking forwrad to many more beatdowns with him and good stories from Whole Foods and mountain bike racing!  Also, welcome to Fescue who was Twitter shamed into coming, hope to see you back out.  

For coffeteria we wrapped up our marriage segment today.  One point to consider is that this world doesnt show us the proper example of marriage, we need to try to tune it out and focus on what the word says.  Number two, its a covenant and not a committment.  Good disucssion tdoay gents.  As always, gateful to be a part of such an awesome group and Big M for his leadership and friendship.