Warm up:
Mosey to grab a block (coupon), circle up, SSH 20x, IST 10x, TS 10x, Alt lunge with elbow to instep (or whatever you want to call it) 10, one foot on the block reach down grab the block and other foot in the air behind you (or whatever you want to call it), arm circles (forward/backward, small/big)
The Thang:
Calf raises w block, toes in 15x, toes out 15x, reg 15x, alt staggered merkins on the block 10 (this set we added one in the middle each time)
Alt side lung w block 20, alt front lunge w block 20, block squats 10x, alt side jump lunge w alt foot on the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10
Run 1 lap pull ups 5
Windshield wipers over the block 10x, feet apart feet together over the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10x, hanging toes to pull up bar (or modify with knee tucks) 10, alt staggered merkins on the block 10
Lawn mower pulls 20x, Pull ups 10, bent over rows 10x, alt side jump lunge w alt foot on the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10
Run 1 lap pull ups 5
Curls w block, low 10x, high 10x, reg 10x, alt staggered merkins on the block 10
Incline diamond merkins on block 10x, decline merkins 10x, chest press w block 15x, alt side jump lunge w alt foot on the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10
Run 1 lap pull ups 5
Block shoulder press 10x, grab 2 bricks for lateral side raises 10x, front raises 10x, alt staggered merkins on the block 10
Standing Skull crushers w block 10x, tricep kick backs in lunge (or whatever you want to call it) 15x, skull crushers lying down 10x, alt side jump lunge w alt foot on the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10
Run 1 lap pull ups 5
Reg calf raises w block 15x, squats w block 15x, windshield wipers over block 15x, lawn mower pulls 20x, alt staggered merkins on the block 10
Curls 15x, tricep kick backs in lunge 20x, shoulder press w block 10x, chest press w block 15x, alt side jump lunge w alt foot on the block (or whatever you want to call it) 10
Run 1 lap pull ups 5
Put back blocks and bricks, mosey back to homebase
Since we did some abs during the workout out, i used Mary time for some stretch: pot stirrers, pidgeon and a few others
Mulligan asked about my pups but I had to leave them home since I cannot control PAX and pups at the same time.
Jersey wanted some merkins so had a few in the workout, also thanks for brining FNG AJ!
Airstream caught my mistake on uneven count for tripcep kick backs when I switched legs, thanks for paying attention!
It was great to see Panzer who has not been out in a while, he has been pumping iron only so the run got him, keep coming out!
Kachow ran to workout and back home, strong, over achiever!
FNG AJ wanted some bent over rows so I added them to the workout!
Blackbeard great job being an awesome MJ master Q!
Great morning Omega, pull ups!! Need to improve.