What’s a Wenke and how did I drop it?


Jedi, Conwallis and YHC got 2.7 ruck miles in beforehand

It was nice to hear Rico's comments about how much he loves and has the utmost respect for ruckers.


  • Mosey to the woods for two blocks per pax.
  •  Farmers carry back to the lot.
  • High knees, butt kickers and karoke to the pullup bars.  
  • Tabata V-up's 30 seconds on 10 off 8 rounds and the pax begins to mumble.  Mostly 66 probably because he forgot to take his ruck off.  Me thinks I heard more than a few flatulant pax's during the V-ups.  

The Thang (Inspired/stolen from Uncle Rico)  

                                     12 Days of Christmas

  1. Farmers carry with the blocks.  Distance was about half the width of the lot.
  2. Pull-ups
  3. Burpees
  4. Broad Jumps
  5. Cinder Block Swings
  6. Push-ups 
  7. Cinder Block Squats
  8. Mountian Climbers
  9. Jump Squats
  10. Cinder Block Shoulder Presses
  11. Sit-ups
  12. Weighted Lunges

No time for mary after taking the blocks back.