Jedi, Conwallis and YHC got 2.7 ruck miles in beforehand
It was nice to hear Rico's comments about how much he loves and has the utmost respect for ruckers.
- Mosey to the woods for two blocks per pax.
- Farmers carry back to the lot.
- High knees, butt kickers and karoke to the pullup bars.
- Tabata V-up's 30 seconds on 10 off 8 rounds and the pax begins to mumble. Mostly 66 probably because he forgot to take his ruck off. Me thinks I heard more than a few flatulant pax's during the V-ups.
The Thang (Inspired/stolen from Uncle Rico)
12 Days of Christmas
- Farmers carry with the blocks. Distance was about half the width of the lot.
- Pull-ups
- Burpees
- Broad Jumps
- Cinder Block Swings
- Push-ups
- Cinder Block Squats
- Mountian Climbers
- Jump Squats
- Cinder Block Shoulder Presses
- Sit-ups
- Weighted Lunges
No time for mary after taking the blocks back.