What’s in the box?!?

Event Date

May 19, 2017

4 Denver men, including 1 FNG(Friendly New Guy), spent time at the Denver Gun club and sirens so something is working.

0527-YHC rolls in to one of his favorite sites…multiple PAX members wearing their Ruck sacks, and someone he doesn't recognize.  FNG-1 is Ryan(nice name).  EH'd by Clark a while back, and pulled in by C-Sharp's post on the Facebook.

0530-Disclaimer and off we go.


?SSH x 25 (IC)

Windmills x 15 (IC)

All in 5's-small arms circles forward, small backwards, big forwards, big backwards, keep them up, small forwards, small backwards, 10 overhead claps, 10 forward claps, small forwards, small backwards…crowd favorite.  KB seems to be working if it's tough just holding those guns in the air!

Alternating shoulder taps(merkin position) x 20 (IC)

The Thang

??Take a 2 minute hike-grab a bell and your ruck and head up and down the parking lot at your own pace.  All made 2 trips.

Let's try a newbie-Bear Crawl up the newly remodeled steps, except take your bell.  Start at the bottom, lift your bell to the next step with your right hand, follow it, pull KB under chest, now lift to the next step with your left hand, repeato to the top.  Head back to the bottom to find out what's in the box.

The PAX may have been thinking that YHC was prepping early for the Mud Run tomorrow, carrying around a four pack of Monster, but come to find out it was loaded with some pain lottery tickets for us all to enjoy.  The PAX were instructed to take turns picking one of each color ticket, then we would perform said exercise, then pick another round.(white ticket =exercise, green=reps, yellow=pass your KB this many spots).  It went a little something like this…


(Another quick disclaimer as I passed along my the extensive KB training I received from School Bus during my first session-"act like your peeing on the ceiling.")

Turkish get ups x 15 keep your bell

Windmills x 15 keep your bell

Squat x 10 pass right 2

Bob & Weave x 20 keep your bell

Straight arm situps x 5 (each arm) pass right 4

Goblet squats x 15 pass left 4

Regular rows x 15 (each arm) keep your bell

Single arm raises x 5 (each arm) pass left 1

Halo x 10 (each direction) pass right 1

Change arm swing x 20 pass left 3

Single arm deadlift x 20 (10 each arm) pass left 5…to which FNG Ryan quickly deducted that's left 1 with 4 PAX(glad we got someone with some smarts at McGuire)

Russian swings x 10 pass left 6

Slingshot x 10 (each side) pass left 6

2 minute hike at your own pace…PAX got 2 up and down the parking lot again…funny how we started and ended with this even though there were many more of these tickets in the box.

Back up to the launch pad for MARY

LBC x 10 (IC)

American hammer x 10 (IC)

and there's your free workout


Name-o-rama—after a quick discussion with our newly appointed Master Q of Friday SchoolBellz Ziplock, we decided it was in the best interest of the PAX to name the FNG.  Heck, he had already posted at more KB sessions than most, AND he took Zippy's gloves for tomorrow's beatdown.

What we know…name's Ryan…former nicknames R2, double R, R squared…no, no, and no,,,2 young kids( 3 and 6 months I believe)…likes dirtbikes so we kicked around Trike and Tricycle…there's gotta be more…from West Virginia where he belted "the real Mountaineers!"…there it is, welcome our newest member to the PAX "Boone."


National ride your bike to work day-now many of us won't be doing that even thought it may shorten the commute occasionally.  But it did take me back to 2014 when I relocated to the area for work.  It would be 18 long months before the M and 2.0 followed me, so there was a lot of back and forth on the road which made me despise driving.  I took solice in riding my bike anywhere I could in Charlotte.  Work, out and about, Panther's games, etc.  It made me really appreciate my surroundings and take them in like never before.  I had been to years of Panther's games, but never before had I loved the sights and sounds like that afternoon Steelers match riding thru the tailgates.  Still sticks with me.  Take a minute to enjoy the amazing creation the Creator created.


-Praise and prayers to the family of the scout that went missing and was found earlier this week.  Please be with them in whatever they need.

-It's a busy weekend for the Denver crew.  For those traveling and participating in the Mud Run, be with them and keep them safe.  For those staying close, please support your local AO's-Lincolnton, Sailview, and ELHS Mustang.

-Was Spork tapering?  He spent a lot of time with the 15lb KB, or was it just luck of the draw?

-Zippy was sporting a tight new sack courtesy of his M!

-When given the other local options in the area for workouts, Boone stated "I think I'll stay right here."  He knows a good thing when he sees it.

-Such a pleasure just being a part of this group, and to get to lead them even more.

