What’s in your wheelhouse?

Event Date

Feb 07, 2018

4 including Clark, then Sonar, Abrams and Spork posted for some extra running. Stitches claims to have run a couple of laps too, so maybe 5 were there early. Then 3 more Clubber, C# and Ziploc posted for a Clark Q'd beatdown that's sure to leave your legs with some DOMS…

10 IC 'Mericans
10 IC Tony Hawks

The thing
PAX moseys 1 lap around the track to warm-up. T-Claps to Abrams for figuring out the Q's plan.

1/4 mile Lunge Walk…

Mosey another lap for a shake out

Run to the rock pile where YHC convinces Stiches to grab a monster sized rock. Don't worry… we will rotate
All of the following follow 10 IC and rotate one to the left
Bent curls
Squatting Curls
Skull Crushers
Shoulder Presses
Bent rows
I feel like I'm missing one…oh well

Mosey to the pull-up bar. 2 lines. PAX planks while 2 perform 10 pull-ups with next 2 providing a spot to ensure your brother makes it to 10.

Round Robin
Abrams 10 each leg Fire Hydrants
Spork 7 IC FM
Sonar 10 IC LBC
Stitches 10 IC Flutter Kicks
Ziploc 10 IC Box Cutters
Clubber 10 IC LBC
C# 5 IC Each Leg Jane Fondas
Clark 10 IC Dr. W


10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4: 10-11


  • YHC uses some passive aggressiveness to positively motivate today.
  • Spork says he will be in the squatting position changing brake pads today…sorry man, or rather sorry to your legs
  • Clark makes sure he has the Q today, and not Ziploc.
  • I thought that Run Ranger Run would get people to post more. Hopefully at least it will get you to run more. From the looks of the Strava feed, several have some make up miles this week.  We don't want to break Vortex's back as he tries to carry the whole team in miles.
  • YHC had planned to just get each PAX member to do their "wheelhouse" and take turns leading us, but changed his mind last minute…maybe because YHC figured we'd just end up running or fartsacking (just kidding…kinda) or maybe just felt like we needed some good old leg DOMS.