What’s the plan for today?

Event Date

Feb 28, 2020

Apparently a 9:00 PB is too late for most Pax (not all though)- lesson learned 




Slow Windmill

Dwight Shrutes


Arm circles


Mosey to the bottom of the parking deck. The well trained Pax circled up but YHC had other plans…


The Thang 

Stair climbing 101

Each exercise up the stairs at DPK with 5 KB Squats at each landing and never putting the bell down or a penalty will be assessed 


Full curls up the stairs 

Recover down with alternating Farmers carry

Skull crushers up the stairs 

Recover down

Shoulder press up the stairs 

Recover down

Single arm press alternating up the stairs 

Recover down 

Alternating twist up the stairs 

Recover down 

Upright row up the stairs 

Recover down 

KB extenders front, right, left alternating each flight 

Recover down


Done with stairs for the day


Zamperini with bell to 1st floor




Soul stretch (pretzel back stretch)

V-ups with KB 10 IC

Chest press with low flutter w bells

American Hammer w/ bells 

Mobility moment-pigeon 

Merican with KB 5 IC R & L




The Force made it halfway to the workout and realized he didn’t have his KB. He still made it to the start on time. Good time management I think?

Rocket is ready for the Polar Bear after spending a few days in Chi-town and he kept threatening to put his Bell down but never did – good choice 

Frogger ran a standard and let me know we covered 1.08 miles in stair climbing. Plus, he was the last to put his Bell down thinking he may still be penalized (I’ve trained him well)

The Force & Frogger had to miss #Coffeeteria due to a cross town journey for TF and a Work thing for Frogger – next time


Sign up for a Q as the calendar is wide open and as I’ve shown you can do anything with this workout…


Next week is Ultra Week where I will be Qing Vanquisher, Fartlek, Stretch, Wilderness, & Cauldron to celebrate another year of F3 & another year on this spinning ball.

