What’s the Right Merkin-to-Mile Ratio?

Event Date

Jun 18, 2024


As advertised, seven dudes who were not scared of doing a bunch of merkins and miles got after it at FKT.

Many got in miles before the official start, some even got in miles after the official end. And, while I didn’t count all the merkins, it was a lot, with a mix of standard merkins, wide-arms, diamonds, incline merkins, decline merkins, hand-release merkins, and burpees.

I knew we reached the right amount of merkins when DonHo and Frodo tapped out and refused to do them, though Jobe was probably still left wanting more, cause, well, that’s Jobe. Most agreed, it was the most Auto-like workout ever – a heavy chest day.


  • Popcorn’s body transformation continues to amaze. Dude can go from skinny runner to ripped meat head six times in a calendar year. This time, he’s giving credit to Anytime Fitness.
  • Cubicle doesn’t use sunscreen; he uses beef tallow. This could not be more on-brand.
  • Jobe was tired today after performing 10 surgeries on Monday. 10! But he crushed every exercise without a single complaint. What’s your excuse for not showing up?
  • I got the sense that Frodo wanted more miles and DonHo wanted more merkins, but I think, really, they both just wanted it to end. But, good to see Frodo back out doing some upper body work post mole removal. 
  • Mr. H is taking his relationship to the next level and traveling internationally with his GF for the first time. Pray for him. We *think* he has a valid passport, even if he gets mugged and can’t return to the States for six months (this is Popcorn’s rationale for why you have to travel with a passport that won’t expire for at least six months). People were more concerned that he trusted Cherry Bomb to dog-sit. 

Enjoyed it. 
