What’s worse than burpees?

Event Date

Dec 19, 2019


7 faithful PAX rolled into Fission this frigid Thursday, ready to get warm.  Here's what we did:

Warm-o-Rama – we moseyed toward the dumpsters, went to circle up, and then decided to mosey a little more, so we continued to the end of the parking lot by the front of the school.  Minimalist greeting, followed (in cadence) by:

SSH x 30

IST x 15

CP x 15

Windmill x 10

MC x 15

Merican x 10

The Thang:

We moseyed back to the launch point, which is the beginning of the first turn on the mini parking lot track.  We then did a lap forward and reverse of each exercise, changing the count at each corner.  What followed:

Squats x 5,10,15,20,15,10,5

Mericans x 4,8,12,16,12,8,4

Lunges x 3,6,9,12,9,6,3 (each leg)

Burpees x 2,4,6,8,6,4,2

8 Count Bodybuilders x 1,2,3,4,3,2,1

Several 10 counts were worked in, and we then slow moseyed over to the benches for some dips.  I think we did sets of 12, 8, 6, 5, and 10.


We had about 4 minutes for Mary…

Low dolly x 15

Pretzel crunch x 12 each side

Freddie Mercury x 15

LBC x 15

WW2 x 11

Recover, Recover


– Announcements for football at BRP Saturday, Cookie Q at the Jungle, and wrapping for Operation Sweet Tooth Friday night

– Titan took us out – thanks brother

– Hollywood and Cousin Eddie were out front all morning – nice work

– Hat Trick was about 5 minutes late.  Some lame excuse about the bridge being closed 🙂

– Tuffy and Stapler put in strong work as well; Not much complaining, though I think everyone complained on the burpees and 8 counts. I'll admit – it sucked.  What's worse than a burpee?  8 count bodybuilders — mystery solved.

– Next week at Fission, basketball.  Stapler is going to put the round thingy off the backstop and into the ring.

See you in the gloom.

Waffle House