Wheel barrow block run and fun

Event Date

Jan 25, 2020


Great morning and great to see some friendly faces!


10 x Windmills

10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jacks

15 x Mountain Climbers

15 x Copperhead Squats

The Thang

Mosey to back playground, max pull ups and grab a block.

Blocks in wheel barrow and shuttle run to clubhouse stopping 3x

15 x Block rows

15 x Curls for Girls

15 X Skull crushers

Clubhouse parking lot: One person calls out exercise and then takes blocks in wheelbarrow goes to other end of parking lot, builds block structure and returns with empty wheel barrow.  Next up does the reverse.


Flutter kicks/Imperial Squat Walker/Freddy Mercury/Mericans/WW1

11s on the docks

10 Burpees one dock and then run to adjacent dock for 1 V-up and continue for decreasing/increasing count respectively. 

Shuttle run back to AO with wheel barrow and bocks.

Blocks up. 


Ran out of time but plenty of core work today!

Mobile Coffeeteria

Warm coffee with fellowship in the SVU AO! 


John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. … For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

I have been spending a lot of time visiting and thinking about my Dad as he goes through his stroke recovery and the relationships between fathers and sons.  Went back in the Bible and looked at several examples and pondered what it is about that relationship that is so special.  As sons we strive to live up to our father’s expectations and live a good life.  So it is also with the example of Jesus and our heavenly Father. 


-Anvil rolled up and used a scooter to show us who was boss.  He is back at it and gave a quick reveal at the end for his Q next week- rowing machine!  Be sure to check it out!

-Strudel was pushing through as always after battling some illness this week.  Also had a fence jumping incident to get to the clubhouse head.  Skipper please have your Dad look at having someone service the pool restrooms this week. 

-Shredder got his hog all fixed up and rolled in style with those phat tires. 

-Cheetah bared his soul and told us how he can’t wait to hit 50 this May and gain the title of “Respect” at the end of workouts.  My friend you have already earned it! 

Fair Winds and Following Seas
