Wheels Goes Clockwise

FNG-1 is Goose from Cincinnati, visiting on vacay with his family.  Goose is a stud runner, pure and simple.  There are some ruckers in there–Totebag, Brushless, Pink Slip, and Pyle.  The rest ran this route in a clockwise direction:

Now, 'some' of the gazelley type folk took at left onto Knob Hill, instead of Raceway so as to AVOID JET HILL!  No…., no one is bitter, upset, or unhappy that those 5-6 runners MISSED the opportunity to summit one of the run's premiere short steep hills.  That's not at all the case.  In fact, the Q was simply disappointed some chose their own less steep path, completely losing out on some serious vertical embedded into the run……right AFTER the first warm up mile.


-Ruckers gonna ruck, ruck, ruck….and they looked good doing it, especially Brushless directing traffic into the AO this morning, nice.

-This run had 3 (three) hills built into it, one easy, one steep, one long.  These hills are often summited in diffferent runs, not in the 'same' run.  Hence, the unique 'double circle with connector' visual.  While some might've NOT completed this exact route, it IS likely they still gained 'some' headway in their BRR training…..possibly.

-The COT was brought upon immediately after the run, we gave Mary a rest…..she needed it.

-Hurdle, thanks for the keys to Wheels, she's a beauty.

-MapMyRun.com allows you to create the above graffic, have at it!!  

-Feel 'Freed to Lead' gents……the Master Q's are ALWAYS looking for coverage.  Cheers!!