When 2 Are Gathered

Event Date

Jan 07, 2022


2 Posted in the gradually diminishing gloom to get in some running, pushups, squats, LBC's and Mary 

The Thang – 

Quick warmup waiting for Bagboy to arrive by Canuck including 1 lap around track 

1 lap around Davidson College Track 

20 pushups 

30 squats

40 LBC's 

2 laps – repeato exercises 

3 laps – repeato exercises 

3 laps – repeato exercises 

2 laps repoeato exercises 

1 lap 

Mary – 20 IC Freddy Mercuries, 20 single count WWII's, 20 IC J-Lo's, 20 IC Low Flutters 

Solid chatting the whole time with the occasional snarky comment thrown at Special Sauce doing their Thang 

All is well when you start the day 3.45 miles working out with a solid HIM such as Bagboy!  Thanks for posting w/ me! 
