When a parade becomes a CSAUP

++ STP, Flying Pickle, OS2 and 2.0s of Bagboy, Special Sauce, Hyster, and Swamp Thing

For the second year in a row, F3 participated in the North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade.  For the first time, it did not rain when F3 was in the parade! 

The PAX gathered on Griffith Street at noon to work on our intricate float consisting of a Christmas tree, wreaths, F3 banners, and two bikes…

After getting our picture taken with Mrs. North Carolina (and EHing her husband for Race City)…

we joined the bands, scouts, dance crews, etc. on the streets of Davidson and Cornelius.  That is when the parade became a CSAUP.  For the two mile parade route WMD was the DJ as some of the crew rode trainer bikes, some "pushed" the truck, and the rest toted pavers for way too many sets of curls, skullcrushers, and overhead presses.  When the parade stopped, it was merkin time… literally a CROWD PLEASER.

To add recruiting to this CSAUP, 2.0s handed out information cards to men in the crowd.  

Needless to say we were all very sore after the one hour long parade but all had a good time.  We closed with a COT and some refreshments from Baby Back.  A great time was had by all.  Hopefully our actions will bring more LKN men into the fold.


