When all else fails, throw the Sharknado at them

Event Date

Sep 07, 2020

FNG-1 is Primus

FNG-2 is Broke

FNG-3 is Tim (read more below)


830 PM last night and still no Q so Clark decides to throw out 3 options…hopefully somebody just JDS

0529—one minute warning

0530—let's go, literally…mosey over to, wait here comes Finkle

SSH (IC) x 20

now let's go.  Mosey over to CSES.  Then Finkle decides to go AWOL or still has adrenaline left over from his 10 miler yesterday.  After the turn out of the highschool, Thunderclub (somehow) spots FNG Tim half way down Cluber lane.  Still no Finkle but we stop to wait for Tim.

Merkins (IC) x 10

Tim (we think it is) then stops to tie a shoe so we do Dips (IC) x 10

NOW, we can mosey over to the elementary school.  The plan is to set up in the front parking lot, but still no sign of you know who, so we head to the back, corral up the youngin and finally can get started,



5 rounds (was the plan).  Choose your own lap distance but .15 will get you ~3.75 and .20 will get you ~5.

15 Burpees


20 Diamond Merkins


20 WWII's


20 Merkins


20 Scorpion Dry Docks


Repeato, repeato, repeato, repeato

Make sure we have everyone and mosey back to the Launchpad


LBC's (IC) x 15

Alternating Shoulder taps (IC) x 10

Peter Parkers (IC) x 10

recover recover


From todays "Verse of the day" but apparently I pulled it from 11/15/2018

Psalm 119:143

"Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight."

We all have our troubles as have I the past few years but try to keep a light shining and positive outlook.  However, with my 2.0 I don't always stay the course.  We had an awesome kayaking trip over the weekend, but for some reason I focused on what he complained about more than what he enjoyed.  Forward to yesterday, where he had a surfboard injury that led to an ER visit.  Tired, battered, and bruised he focused on the bright side and said "look I got a cool splint."  It's so easy to focus on the bad, but be sure to let the light in.


-Tim comes to us from the mobile congregation of the Church at Denver.  He has 4 kids, hails from Michigan (MSU fan), will set path across the pond in the near future for a mission trip, enjoys high end board games, and a good b-ball shoot-a-round.  Add Tim together with the Big Ten's hatred for the ACC and we come up with "Duncan."  Welcome brother!

-So much soreness from Saturday was worked out this morning and more burpees, merkins, and WWII's was a real crowd pleaser.

-Finkle joined YHC for a trip across the bridge for the LKN Labor Day Convergence, but it was all in vain as there doesn't look to be a chance of a blackbast 🙂

-Primus and Broke hitting it hard after week 1 and putting the work in.

-Thanks to Sparrow for covering the 6 as no preblast of lights and we only had a headlamp and blinky.

-SVU tomorrow 0530 followed by all that is BBBroga at 0630 in the Gates. #JDS



Pleasure to lead and be led by you men,

