When Duty Calls, Out Come the Ropes

Geppetto is 'beaching'.  Yes, that's a verb when you're a millenial–you see, nouns to you and me are verbs to those in that generation.  So F3RCUSA grabbed a guest Q, stiffened a bit in anticipation, heard who it would be, then slowly lowered it's head, shaking softly, wishing, by some measure, there could be someone else to whom this task could be bequeathed.  But alas, ten men assembled in the coldest morning this side of the  summer solstice of the hellian year that is 2020 (a friggin' 48 degrees) to come together to find out how this fine week would commence here in Race City, USA.

Warm Ups- Mozy to parking lot, via Fairview, on to the west side of the cemetary.  COP IC- SSH 20, CDD's 10, IST's 10, Hillbilly's 10. Mozy to the (aparently forbidden) basketball court for Merkins IC 10, SDS 10 IC, then full bball court length kick steppers, high knees, butt kickers, and R/L Karaoke.  Exit court quickly*easy-button*

The Thang: Stations of Rope whips/plank, Dips, Incline Merkins, Rope pull-ups, and Curls (with pre-provided weights) were set up, luckily, there were 10 men, five pair, five stations, it was all very pleasant.  Each pair AMRAP'd their exercises as the Rope Whippers each hit 20 right handed whips (40 total) while the partner planked.  Other pairs did their excercises together the entire time before 'STOP' was hollered and an orderly 'shift' ensued-counterclockwise, as instructed by the bumbling guest Q.  The first set was two rounds of the aforementioned exercises, then 'recovery' time was set aside with 10 IC Baryshikov's, 10 Burpees, and 5 R/L Scorpion Dry Docks (SDD's).  A 'bonus' second set was implemented to appease the Pax's blantant dissatisfaction with the potency of the first set.  The second set (third and fourth rounds) comprised of the 'pace setters' doing 30, then 15 rope whips-right hand count.  This seemed to get the Pax where they needed to be.  A much needed 'polish' of the same counts of Baryshnikovs, Burpees, and Scorpions capstoned The Thang.

Mary (shared, all IC). Hip Thrusters 15, (Cheezwhiz called out) Sitouts 10, BFO's WWII's 10, Goat Path's Low Flutter 20, Totebag's Low Dolly 15, Cupcake's Levitating Pretzel 10 R/L, and finally Shambala's LBC's 20.  Recover, recover.


-During the Coffeeteria, Cupcake and Goat Path commented on the 'speed' of this post, 'it flew by'.  A good thing?  It was not YHC intention, just to provide the MEN of F3RCUSA with a reasonal 45 minutes of slightly to strenuous movement.

-With a Pax of 10, it is time we (F3RCUSA) run a 'numbers revival' to attempt to bump the numbers up a bit, per Contra and the F3 LKN Board.

-As is posted, then hoops court and the playground are not OFF LIMITS from sundown to sunup–seems pretty simple to  pinpoint to whom those signs are directed.

-Almost all of the Pax hit coffeeteria, and Shambala shouted, bravo and thanks!!

-IF you want a good read, 'Boys in the Boat' by Daniel James Brown is a fascinating read;-)

-Geppetto, we all hope your time beaching was as relaxing and refreshing as this post was for the men of F3RCUSA.

-Two men did not have time to chime in with their Mary exercises (Motorboat and Scum), and as such will receive first crack at Mary in a future Hummer lead RC Q.

-This post was provided to you, free of charge, due to your involvement with F3, please encourage others to join, and lead like you do!!  
