When I am Weak, He is Strong

Event Date

Jul 14, 2018


11 men joined forces to beat down the sloth.  Various modes of physical strain were employed.  Sweat and fatigue happened.  Perseverance happened.  Success happened.

Swim: Atlantis Cheetah Jeeves Mulligan Shirley
Kayak: FNG Kenny
BEATDown:  Anvil Dandelion Jeeves Mulligan Shirley Shredder Skipper Vortex

20x SSH
10x windmills
14x trunk twists
10x Merkins
10x low country crab cakes
*** couple tomatoes run by, s few wise cracks about perfect timing…”at least it’s not pickle pounders”
*** after they pass…
Pickle pounders!!
*** another tomato walks by and YHC pulls an Omaha after 3 PP’s
20x dippy birds  *** Dandelion is a man of many talents…balance may not be one of them…
20x mountain climbers
*** lots of mumble chatter

Partner up into 3 groups of 3
Go back and get 2 blocks per group
Run to the clubhouse, rotate blocks as needed.
*** not lots of mumble chatter

Gather at the clubhouse at the bottom of the parking lot.  YHC fumbles through the decription of…

“Bottoms Up!”
A&B quadraphelia up to end of pkg lot while C does something.  Group steps up one parking spot.
B&C quads up while A does something. Groups steps up one spot.
A&C quads up while B does something. Group steps up.
Rotate with curls, shoulder presses, skull crushers until pkg lot ends.

Repeato with negative push ups, side-to-side over the block merkin walk, and block squats

Place blocks on the grass.  Go for a speedy run around the trail.  Blast up to the parking lot.  Gather at the parking lot, side-to-side hops across the parking lot until everyone is able to do 3 crossings.
*** fun discussion (or was it a plea?) regarding whether "there and back" counted as 1 or 2

Instead of just counting to ten for a recovery, I chimed in with our Reflection for the day.

Reflection:  James 1:12
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.
– current challenges may include the learning opportunities and growth you need as a person for things to come
– preservering and striving on in times of trouble helps to gain control over emotions of hopelessness and faithlessness
– you never know when there is a tough situation where you may need to be a spiritual leader for your family or friend group

Back to the AO; partners of 3 carrying 2 blocks, rotating as needed
*** I suggested more frequent rotations
Blocks back, gather up in the parking lot.
Just a little bit of time left for…

1st line and back.  15 squats.
2nd line and back.  10 squats.
3rd line and back.  5 squats.
plank for the 6

*** Shirley and Anvil making it clear that they still had some pep.  Nice pushing each other guys.  Really impressive!

– 20x Freddy Mercury's
– 15x Rosalitas
– 15x low flutters
*** YHC asks if anyone has any suggestions.  Anvil mentions that American Hammers are a great way to finish.  And so it is..
– 2 minutes of American Hammer…ugh, this wasn't fun…actually pulled an Omaha, that's too long at the end of a workout.

2nd Reflection:
During the run back from the clubhouse, Anvil asks if I would mention his sister's husband at the end.  My heart sinks as I realize I saw his facebook post earlier that week about his sister passing away after her struggle with cancer.  I immediately feel dumb for not offering condolences without being reminded.  Anvil says something about the prayer being pretty fitting for the situation. I wish I would have been wise enough that it was intentional, but I have to fess up…I didn't even think about that when finding a scripture.  Found the scripture on page 1 of a men's devotion book my wife gave me as a present recently.  
** 2 Corinthians 12:9
"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
** Today, I felt weak in my lack of remembering to proactively care for Anvil in his sister's death.  I was forgetful, worried about the workout plan, maybe selfish about my time, not covering their family in prayer like I should have been.
**But in my weaknesses, God's Spirit was shown strong by the Bible verse's relevance to Anvil.  Maybe I'm a lot weaker than I realize and need to look for and see the Spirit at work in my weakness.  Maybe I need to celebrate my weakness so people know the true source of my joy and successes.  That was kind of an aha moment for me.

– T-claps to Shirley and to Jeeves for trying the F3 Tri this morning.  They were champs.  As Mulligan said, "5 in the water.  5 out of the water.  That's a good day." 
– T-claps to Mulligan for HC'ing Jeeves and to Jeeves for HC'ing FNG Kenny (I think one of Jeeve's burn boot camp boys).  He wasn't able to join us for the work out, but it sounded like Jeeves was working on him pretty good.  Kenny is signed up for some kayaking adventure race over rapids and such…def F3 material.
– Skipper and Vortex verbally spar throughout the workout.  Not sure why I'm including that…pretty standard fair with 'excrement' being slung to and fro…friendly excrement, so that's ok.
– feel free to fill in any blanks in the comments

As always, such an honor to lead guys.  Remain steadfast.  Persevere.
