When life gives you lemons you make lemonade when life gives you snow you go sledding.

Event Date

Jan 23, 2016

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade when life gives you snow you go sledding.  As the snow continued falling on Friday plans were underway for a mostly 2nd F Saturday beat down.  We thought about cancelling but thats not what we do In Race City.  Some stayed at home and sucked their thumbs by the fire and some of us went sledding.  


Thats what happened on the way to stumpy with the heater on

The Thang

Get your sleds ready!

Down the long driveway on the sled see who can make it that farthest.  

Mosey / Walk over to the big hill outside the top baseball field.  Merkin ladder everyone sleds to the bottom of the hill at the bottom merkins starting at 10 going down by 2 each time walk back up the hill and repeat.  

Go try out some other hill.  Realize the fine folks at the county shop have been hard at work on the pullup bars so we mosey over to check those out.  

Along the way we went down anything the looked like a hill on our sleds.

End up at the large hill on the  backside of the lower baseball field.  

Everyone down to the bottom to try it out.  At the bottom 10 Burpies.  

We continued going up and down this hill for a while with different variations to see who could go the farthest.  


1 last race down the hill all 4 at the same time.  



It was a small group but we had a great time.  

Crack shattered his sons sled on about the 3rd run down the first hill good thing he brought a spare.

There was a big wreck with Chief and Crack racing down the hill everyone walked away

Usain War Daddy 

Took us a while to find a place to gather for coffee but we eventually found the always open Bojangles