When You Think Its A Kettlebell WorkOut and You Get Surprised by The Murph

Event Date

Feb 27, 2023

No MQ.  No Real Q.  Omega took video.  Not posted.  As a former MQ of MMM, I will do this sh*t.  Besides, sick of posting to workouts with no #BB.

YHC rolled up with the bell.  Omega and Riverboat laughing as they call me out for my misgressions.  Son of A!  Its been oh I don’t know…nearly 2 years for a #Murph.  Bag Boy rolling up.  Moses didn’t know and his plans changed.  And then JB who was almost late because he left his bell at home.  All in all…batting average 500 on knowing today was Murph Monday.  Gets you to the hall of fame boys.


No #disclaimer

No Warm O Rama

Some did the miles.  One did half the miles.  2 did a quarter of the miles. I have a dog named Miles.  

Some did 100 pullups, 200 Americans and 300 Squats.  Some did straight up.  Some used left foot help.  Some used right foot help.  Some used 2 feet help.

Some remembered the old #disclaimer and modified as needed.  Some did curls.  Some did skull crushers. Some did other shit.  This was a variety show #MurphMonday.

Moses went topless and unzippered his pant legs.  Pax got nervous.

Some Pax have bad knees.  Some pax have bad feet.  Some pax are quite alright.  And one Pax has a hip injury and the flexibility that all Pax wish they had.

The #Murph sucks.  But what doesn’t suck is getting out of the #fartsack and embracing the suck amongst the brothers.

Bagboy lead some stretching.


JB with some deep words…lifting up Moon Light.

Prayers up for Harper, 66’s 2.0.  She is going into surgery today…From other #BBs I have read…and you ALL SHOULD READ AND POST A BACK BLAST…we all hope the Doctors #KilledBill

Omega took video evidence but never posted.  In his defense, if it doesn’t sell a home…he may not post it.  #JK

My heels are destroyed. My calves are cramped. I have gator arms.  But I started my week off right even if not the way I hoped.  Thanks for the push brothers!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never Take Anything For Granted.

Humbly Yours- 
