Where are the commercials??? And where is Frontier?????

It's mid-March, the pollen is in the air and Spring Break is approaching.  Time to build those pecs, biceps, triceps and cut those abs!  AND with it being less than a week from St Patrick's Day, we will do so with Irish Pub music blaring in the background (at coffeteria too).

10 men arrived in the gloom to get ready for Spring Break.  Here's what we did before upsdie-down keg stands and streakin to coffeteria:


To the weight room.  Split up among the 4 bench presses.  Teams of 2-3 pax at each would go through these 3 stations for the next 30 mins:

1 – KB in each hand for KB chest press then KB flies.

2 – Block curls and block skull crushers AMRAP

3 – core/abs exercise of choice

When a spotify commercial comes on:  If you're on the bench, keep benching.  That's the most important exercise in the history of man.  If you're on the block, you run a lap around the building.  If you're on abs/core, you do burpees until runners return.

Total number of commercials during the 30 min workout:  0.0  Go figure – the first time we all begged for a commercial break…

As we carried our KBs and blocks back for MWAR, finally a commercial.  Well, f'n great.  So we did burpees.

Additional Moleskine:

YHC set the alarm for 0445 and arrived early to set up.  In addition to KBs, we would need cinder blocks at the weight room benches and YHC didn't want to waste the pax's time moving them at 0530.  Ask Gnarly Goat – he, too, arrived early and watched YHC move each one…  

YHC set the playlist up with Irish Pub songs… and the first song to come on was a Mumford & Sons pop hit from this decade.  WTF?  It would not be long til we had the good stuff though.

Frontier was celebrated on Twitter last night for having a commanding lead within the complex points tracking formula.  Literally all he had to do was show up to win.  Yada, yada, yada.  Congrats Amen!

Coffeteria was pretty spectacular after a chest, arms and abs workout, coffee and Irish Pub rock.  We determined that BOA will soon be a bank of the past but round beach towels are the future.