Where did Dookie come from?

Not named in PAX list Brody (SP?) and Doogie

11 Men came out for a deck suicide relay…..with blocks.

Abreviated Warm-up:

  • Mosey behind Radiant Life Church to retreive blocks
  • Mosey back and do 10 SSH and 10 Windmill

The Thang:

  • Form 2 teams. I tried to split the teams even and I was out voted and a 1-2 count commenced
  • Teams line up single file with blocks.
  • 1st PAX on each team sprints one ramp and back tagging off with the next PAX.
    • Block Merkins while running
  • Same as above to second ramp with Curl to Press
  • Same as above to 3rd ramp with skull crushers
    • Hey wait, this is a whole lot of skull crushers!
    • Audible and called several exercises in cadence as the teams ran.
  • Same as above to 4th ramp with Squats
    • Again, too many squats so called several exercises in cadence
  • Finally, all the way to the top while PAX did blocky's
    • And again called exercises in cadence once the blocky's became boring

Team Chapo won the race by two ramp lengths. YHC was supposed ot have a punishment for the losing team, but finished with only a couple minutes left. (convenient since the YHC was on the losing team).

Mosey to Radiant Life to return the blocks to their home.


  • Where did Doogie come from?? or Dookie as Etch called him. I brought the guy out and he dogged it for two posts at mighty jungle. Then sudenly he was Usain Bolt. Etch suggested he has been raiding the pharmacy at the hospital. I think he may be ultra competitive.
  • You live and learn. This was a grand idea in my head and on paper until you realize that by the 4th deck you are doing one exercise for 5 minutes or more. The audibles bailed it out a bit.
  • I thought we were going to catch Master Po at the end until the YHC realized Po is a master down hill runner and went from a half ramp lead to a two ramp lead. We all have our wheel house and let's add down hill running to PO's list.
  • It is a workout in and of itself to go get the blocks.
  • A lot of strong efforts. Nobody dogged it.

Thank you for all who came and thank you LaBon for the opportunity to lead.