Where did everyone go?

Event Date

Jul 05, 2016


A total of 5 men arrived early this morning to get "whole body" better.  So, where did everyone go?  Just yesterday was a 22 man convergence.  If you didn't show, hope whatever else you were doing at 530 am was pretty dang important!  Here's what you missed.


Mtn Climbers x15 IC

Tony Hawkes x15 IC

SSH x15 IC

Windmills x15 IC

All sorts of arm circles

Short mosey to retrieve a block per person 


Q was prepared for at least 12 people to show to split into 4 groups for each "fun station", but given the mild attendance we suffered through it all together.  Each Set included 3 exercises targeting a specific muscle group.  Each exercise was performed OYO, with the emphasis on maintaining proper form and execution.  First exercises were 1 minute, second exercise was 45 seconds and third was for 30 seconds.  Each set was performed twice.

Set 1:

Exercise 1:  Skull Crushers (with 33# block)

Exercise 2:  Curb Dips

Exercise 3:  Tri-cep pushups

Set 2:

Exercise 1:  In-place lunges (modified with block if desired)

Exercise 2:  Squats (add block if desired)

Exercise 3:  Side Lunges (add block if desired)

Set 3:

Exercise 1:  Shoulder Press (with block)

Exercise 2:  Full Curl

Exercise 3:  Bent over rows

Set 4:

Exercise 1:  One Leg Glute Bridge

Exercise 2:  Side Leg Lift

Exercise 3:  Fire Hydrant

(worked same leg thru round 1 of this set and then other leg on second round)

Small hill sprint with Burpees Ladder (6 Burpees, 4, then 2)

Return Blocks 



Low Plank hold for 1 minute



Luke 12: 32 NIV

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give to the poor.  Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Look around you, what do you see that is so important that you just can't live without.  I bet you see a lot  of things you could probably live without and get along just fine.  We get so wrapped up in material things, big boy toys, worldly things to try and make ourselves happier.  But most of these things just end up cluttering our garages, closests and provide others with viable business opportunities thru mini-storage warehouses.  We need to maintain focus on the important things in life and maintain the correct priority:  God first, family second, yourself third (I am 3rd).  F3 helps us maintain the third so we can take care of the second, but we shouldn't do anything without putting God first.  


Thanks for the opportunity to lead today.  A bit different workout, but you BRR fellows better be working more on those hips and glutes.  Sound off in the comments with chatter the Q never hears.