FNG 1 = Atomic Dog

24 give or take pax showed up for some portion of The General this morning. YHC was taken aback by how chilly it was in mid-June, but definitely preferred over high humidity. Magnus is on IR and hit the kettlebells with Dry Rub providing him some 2nd F. The rest of moseyed to the wall.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC


  • People's chair
  • Air press in PC x 15 IC
  • Overhead clap in PC x 25 single count

Mosey to gate

  • Ranger Merkin x 10 IC
  • Allen Iversons x 15 single-count
  • Mountain climber x 20 IC

Quadriphilia to first intersection

Bear crawl to next intersection

Mosey to last intersection before Westmoreland (Toxic, Atomic Dog, and Macbeth went all the way down to Westmoreland and had to run back. This is what happens when you don't follow the Q.)

  • Hand release merkins x 20 OYO
  • Jump Squat x 15 OYO
  • Parker Peter x 20 IC 

Mosey to rock pile

  • Full curl x 15 20 IC (Toxic wanted us to stop at 10, so YHC threw some extra curls in for good measure)
  • Skull crusher x 10 IC
  • Block Webb x 10 single count OYO

Take a stroll to playground, split into 3s

  • Pull ups x 10 OYO
  • Dips x 15 OYO
  • Incline merkins x 15 OYO


Mosey back to the rocks. Move 2 rocks to your right.

  • Full curl x 15 IC
  • Skull crusher x 10 IC
  • Chest press w/ flutter x 15 IC
  • Airborne rockbender

Put rocks back and mosey to launch

  • Scorpion drydocks x 20 OYO (10 each leg) at flag, run to last parked car
  • Squat x 30 OYO, run to flag
  • Low Dolly x 20 OYO


Mary (suddenly the pax attendance increased)

  • LBC x 20 IC (for some, this was repeato)
  • Dying cockroach x 15 IC (for some, this was repeato)
  • J-lo x 10 IC
  • Peter parker x 10 IC
  • High Plank/Low Plank (but don't call it a Mahktar D'yes)

Recover. Recover



  • Someone needs to help Turnpike with his Allen Iversons. Those feet never left the ground.
  • YHC was confused about the pax doing Mary while we were still doing scorpion drydocks and squats. It seems we had some runners come in just for Mary.
  • Parker Peters are a great way to cut mumblechatter out. No one wants to try to talk while your core is getting thoroughly engaged.

Thank you Eeyore (or is it Magnus for this month?) for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all pax who came out. Enjoy your Father's Day weekend for the pax with kids!