Where is Goat?

The Gnarly Goat was a no show for his Q so I took it!

Warmarama:  SSH 31x, IST squat 10x, TS 10x, windmill 10x

The thang: partner up, partner 1 ran lap while partner 2 did (chest & tri) exercises: diamond merkins, dips, declined merkins, dips, inclined merkin 

Mosey to the rocks, partner up, partner 1 ran while partner 2 did (bicep & shoulder) exercises: low curl, press, high curl, press, full curl


Mosey partner up again, partner 1 ran around circle, partner 2 did (AB/Core/Mary) exercises: windshield wipers, flutter kick with clap, freddy merc, crunchy frogs, then all pax plank to touch 10x

Mosey back to launch

Jump lunge 20, alt lunge 20, lunge hold

Jump squat, squat, al gore

Mary: merkin time bomb 3-2-1-1-2-3, thee burpee


Where was Gnarly Goat???

Soprano requested some leg so I added a leg burnout before mary

Riverboat and Travolta had a conversation about women rights

After another Lions WIN, Macbeth was dress like Dan Campbell

Greyhound thanks for taking us out in prayer

Cowbell thank you for coffee
