Scrappy Dappy Doo, where are you!?!

8 men emerged post SuperBowl to talk about the holding penalty. The discussion was short. The group was quiet. We stared at each other waiting for Scrappy to show up for about 15 seconds and then YHC won the lottery to lead this fine group of men for the next 45 minutes.

Warmorama, including a parking lot lap

Main event: 3 exercises on the same body part with ‘mericans in between sets. At the end of each round, we took a lap around the parking lot.  Exercises hit these muscle groups:

  • Hamstrings& glutes;
  • Biceps
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Abs

After 4 rounds of upper body, Kosar reminded me that we have some legs as well. And, we all know it’s unwise to neglect leg day.

  • Quads/calves

We finished with a mobility moment. Totals included 1 mile running, too many push-ups to count (sound off in comments if you know the number) and plenty of KB exercises.


  1. Prayers for Hatrick’s cousin, Survivors in Turkey and Syria, Moses’ step-mother
  2. It was a quiet bunch this morning, except for Greyhound and Yosemite who wouldn’t shut-up.
  3. Honored to take the helm.