Where is the Cherry Bomb?

YHC threw it out on twitter a couple days ago that we were still in need of a Q at Fallout this morning.  I received no responses so I threw it back out again yesterday.  As I awoke this morning I saw the email that Cherry Bomb had signed up to Q.  I arrivesd to some PAX hanging in the lot, but no Cherry Bomb yet.

Amen said that Cherry Bomb was the Q for the day, and that there was actually a PB for it.  A car pulled in, but alas it was not Cherry Bomb.  It was, however, Peaches!!  He has not been out from some time.  The continued harassment to Heisman to get him back out finally paid off.

Another car in, but still no CB.  5:30 hit so as the MQ I took the reigns and we headed out.  The following is as much as I can remember:

Mosey around the lot and thencircle up



Grab a block and head over to the track.  We stayed off to the side as to not interfere with the actual runners doing their thing

Low curls X 15 IC (some thought YHC said Slow curls.  They were corrected)

High Curls X 15 IC

Full Curls X 15 IC

The PAX were quite vocal over the number of curls.  If Baller stops before the actual finish then you know you are doing a good job.

3/4 lap around the track to the top of the straight away.  Merkins and plank jacks.  Might have been something else in there.

Run to the bleachers?  Oops sorry I meant benches.

20 step ups each leg, inclined merkins, bulgarian split squats

Back to the blocks.  Skull crushers, chest press, full lap around track

Block squats, some other block exercise, maybe another

3/4 run around the track

Plank on a line, plank walk left 3 lines, mountain climbers, plank walk right 3 lines, merkins?, plank walk left 4 lines, plank jacks

Run back to blocks

Lawn mowers, offset merkins – righ side, center, left side, completed 5 times

Blocks back and circle up for Mary.

WWII situps, LBC, and breakdancers

We had a lot of fun, and by fun I mean suckiness.  It's great when you do not have a plan and as you are standing there thinking and you actually say "oh I have an idea and this is going to suck".  Then you perform it and you do not disappoint on the sucktaciousness.

Thank you all that showed up this morning.  Thanks to CB for almost taking the Q.  As I got to work an email came through stating that CB signed up to Q another day this month.

It was an honor to lead today.  Glad to have Peahes back out.  Hopefully he keeps at it.

Have a great day!!