Where is the Flag?

YHC arrived at Westmoreland Athletic Park promptly at 5:15am to mentally rehearse rough logistics for this mornings beatdown. The General never fails to bring a bunch of great PAX out on Friday morning and today was no exception. A dozen PAX joined YHC for a tour of the park and surrounding areas down Westmoreland Road and Eagleridge Way Lane, including the often visited rock pile. PAX would perform a couple rounds of rock work including bent-over rows, curls, presses, and a recently introduced exercise by Airstream we’ll call rock swings for now. Still working out the rough edges on rock swing cadence, but the idea is to hit our often neglacted lats by slow and controlled swinging the rocks from low left to high rigtht and vice versa. PAX also got their healthy dosage of shoulder touch merkins at the rock pile. PAX moseyed down Eagleridge Way Lane to the bottom where we would circle up for a brief mobility moment and additional strength and cardio including more SSH’s and Burpees. Mosey back into the park where PAX would stop at the retaining wall performing People’s Chair, Air Presses, Calf Raises, and some much needed chest stretching.

PAX would end at the starting point with 5 minutes of MARY and pay a 10-burpee penalty for unanswered Kangaroo trivia, although I do believe Waffle got the right answer so those who did the burpess can consider that extra credit.

Thanks to Eeyore for reminding YHC about the standard Pledge of Allegiance at the close of our workout. Some still had a hard time seeing the Stars and Stripes but we know it was there!

Thank you Deep Dish, Holiday and Jazzy for the keys to this beloved AO – awesome group of men this morning and truly honored to be with each of you. Thank you Airstream for your always inpiring closing prayer, including lifting up Deep Dish’s Father In Law who was diagnosed with cancer and also Moonlight who continues to battle major health issues.

Announcement Links below

Look for upcoming pre-blast for the 3/2 Hope House Gala where 5 volunteers are needed to help with check-in at Peninsula Club.

Links To Other Notable Events Later in 2024 to Consider

Humbly in Christ, Possum
