Where was Blackbeard?

As the title would indicate, Blackbeard was not present.  But, Frogger was!  Frogger took a break from running to come a kettlebell workout and…well, run.  There's a saying, immitation is the highest compliment.  Or something like that…

There were 5 for a 2.5 mile standard.


We stretched and stuff.


20 KB swings

run a lap

20 KB squats

run a lap

20 KB curls

run a lap

20 skull crusher

run a lap

20 WWII sit ups w/ KB

run a lap

….repeato for 3 rounds.


Shoulder touch Mericans x10IC

Dying cockroach x15IC

Pretzel crunch x10 IC each leg

And the grand finale……J-Lo x10IC


1.  As previously mentioned, Blackbeard was not, I repeat, NOT in attendance.

2.  The Force was unusually gaseous.  He sound a lot like Amen.

3.  It was great to have Frogger in the crowd.  

4.  You'll see some resemblance to the Sharknado in the workout hence the Bellnado.  T-claps to Ultraman for coining the name.

5.  Always an honor to lead such a fine group of men!  TAP to all those affected by or serving during Hurrican Flo.


The Count