Where we’re going we don’t need roads…

Some people in this world will build you up, and some will tear you down, the trick is identifying the energy vampires and extinguishing them from your life.  22 of the finest F3 Lakeotope Pax learned that trick today, here is their story:


Wednesday 0700

A certain sea nymph that shall remain nameless challenges YHC to continue the post vacation streak of waking up early for no apparent reason on this coming day of our Lord, the 28th of July.  YHC accepted said sea nymphing challenge and proceeds to plan a masterpiece of a Q for all to enjoy.  

Wednesday continues with many Pax proclaiming their excitement for the events to unfold and preparing themselves mentally and physically with the juice of Kentucky.  Some over ice, some neat, some with a little splash of ginger beer and lime which makes a delicious treat for a hot humid summer night. H/t Mini me.

Wednesday at some point

9er invited everyone to a standard, for which he did not attend.  Maybe that's just a #quat

Thursday 0516, it's early, I miss vacation 

0531 only through extreme perseverance and determination were we able to decifer the code which led us to take two turns around the construction and park right infront of Main St Coffee.  Whew, that was tough…it's like NC State grads see an orange road cone and freeze in motion…no wonder you are always in the first four out.

then we ran, dressed in black, in the dark, except for mooch.  Who brightened up our morning with his winning personality.

THM and jenny led the way, which isn't saying much with this group, but hey, a win is a win.

Tbone was unavailable for emotional support so BEP tried to convince Burgoo to turn around at the .6mile mark, but the pirate's fresh legs would not be denied, all started, all finished.

then there was coffee and talks of relay racing, golf, relay golfing, skiing, relay skiing, montuckies, breaking in to pebble beach, ca road trips, college decisions, decisions made in college (two very different things) and of course relay racing.

all in all a great morning to be an Incog.  Which brings me to my next point, there are few things as savory as a vine ripened mater, sliced vertically, laid out in a plate covered in salt and a pinch of black pepper.  My mouth waters everytime I think about, literally, it's doing it right now.  But under no circumstances, ever, should you ever, ever, put that mater on a piece of bread covered in Mayo.  You want some bread, you be a freakin man and cook some bacon.  And you don't just cook it like the cafeteria lady, all flemsylie, you burn it.  Crispy, like if you drop it from 6" above the plate it shatters like athe Wolfpack's NCAA tournament dreams (I know that's doubling down in the same area but there were two of them and they both suck..I digress).  You burn it and burn it good.  Then you put some lettuce on that bread, you slap a couple salt and pepper covered maters, and place some of that fried pig on top.  Then you squirt some deli or brown mustard on the other piece of bread, you don't spread it on, because again, be a man, you place that piece of bread on top, cut it horizontally, not diagonally like a sailor, and you eat that sammich while you make another.

Again, and I can't believe I have to say this, under no circumstances do you ever use Mayo.  I don't care if you prefer Dukes over hellmans, or whatever brand you choose, it's wrong.  It's the nastiest stuff big condiment makers ever tried to pass over on humans and it has ruined many a life.  So Goat, I'm looking at you.  Next time you take to Snapchat or ticktok or MySpace or whatever cheat codes you use to say the same thing over and over to the same people, think about the children (and blackbae) who may look up to you.  And think about what you are teaching them about tomatoes.  The dos and donts and who's and what's and all…I pray you find your way sir, because your henious act of replacing Bacon with Mayo is unacceptable.

Can I get an amen.




Hugs and Kisses,
