Where were you, Fartsackers?

Event Date

Feb 16, 2019

Four non-fartsacking men endured a steady mist and damp pavement to prove that a good (or average) workout beats lying in one's fartsack any day of the week. After motions to decamp to Shuffletown were defeated, here's what happened. 

Warm o rama

Windmill, SSH, toy soldier, mercan

The Thang

Mosey up the hill to the intersection. 

Wheel 'o Mercan; prisoner squats; CDD

Mosey to the front park

Bataan death march: Modified indian run where 1 PAX starts 5 burpees while rest of PAX runs off in single file. Burping man catches up, taps last man on shoulder who then does 5 burpees.  This may be called something else in the Exicon, but Q really likes this name. 

STep up on bench; downhill decline mercans; dips; Ladder with burpees and diamond mercans

Mosey back to the intersection. Triangle circuit with incline mercans, squats, decline mercans. 

Mosey back to base

Mary – no mary, too wet out


  • Q was lone vote for shuffletown. Even with weighted stock and control of ballot box, he is  still out-voted by PAX. 
  • Little Natty is following in Father's footsteps into Lacrosse. Proud father relates the special bonding that occurs when father and son go shopping for an athletic support together. Wistful memories of bygone bananna hammocks and hand-me-down cups. In the Amazon age, don't modern men just share a first shave with their sons. 
  • Apparently a lot of cabinets are on the move. Anyone needing a kitchen remodel should shadow tool time. With that stock moving around, something is bound to fall off a truck. 
  • Is there a CBD-infused Riccolla now? 
  • Pray for the Barnett family who are confronted with health issues. 
  • Thanks for the help, Natty. 
  • Complaints about the elements notwithstanding, it was good to get out and work out with you men. Have a great weekend all!