Where’s my Water?

Event Date

Mar 12, 2016


9  PAX (Stealth Too) showed-up on the warmest Saturday of the year-to-date.  Skipper was at the helm.


20 Seal Jacks

10 Allen Iversons

10 Confused Bears

10 Windmills

*Q says "grab some water", to which most PAX including the Q sips and places bottle down…more on this later…

Da Tang:

Indian Run to Clubhouse – Last PAX does 3 merkins and sprints to front of line

Parking Lot Fun:

Line up at top of Clubhouse parking lot.  4 rounds of:

10 Merkins – Sprint to other end of parking lot – 10 Burpees

*Metro asks…are we going to be here for awhile?  Where's my water?

Pledge of Allegiance Breather

10 Monkey Humpers – Sprint to other end of parking lot – 10 Scorpion Merks 5 L/5 Right

*Goodwrench comments, water would be good right about now….

Clubhouse Carousel (Front):

1 PAX runs around clubhouse while rest of PAX alternates between Tony Hawks and Low Country Crab Cakes as each PAX completes the run

Clubhouse Carousel (Back):  Pick a rock "Ya Mama would be proud of"

1 PAX runs around the clubhouse while the rest of the PAX performs Rock Groiner Thrusts up Tennis Court Hill repeatedly  #crowdpleaser

Indian Run back to Front Play Yard,  wait, scratch-that, let's go back to the AO for the last exercise because the "Where's my water" comments were mounting.

AO Parking Lot:

Partner 1 = Prisoner Squats; Partner 2 = Inchworms to end of lot and mosey back


20 WWI

10 Glute Bridges

10 Box Cutters

10 Windshield Wipers

10 Peter Parker Holds (Hold for 4 count on each leg-to-elbox movement)


Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the rightous man runs into it and is safe.  

As men, we are taught not let let our guard down, to not show weakness, to not show lack of strength, etc.  It is so hard for us to ask for help, OR to notice when other men need help.  As F3 brothers we are better at this than some, but we can always get even better at it.  We are lucky to always have God as our Tower of Strength and Refuge.  But sometimes I think he calls each of us to be that earthly tower for our brothers.  And to sometimes know when others can be that tower for us.   None of us are alone,  even in our darkest struggles.


*So, is it the Q's job to tell the PAX to bring their water when leaving the AO or is it the PAX's responsbility to ask the Q whether they need to bring their water?   Hmmmm…commentary welcome

*Q kindly suggests  to Vortex that he could probably collect his sweat and water his lawn with it.  To which our resident lawn-expert Dandelion responds that it does not contain the right PH composition #grasstech #weedman

*Wow, we thought 60 was warm today, then we doubled-down at Burn Boot Camp and it was like a sauna in their workout room….I'll take the outdoors

*Stealth killed it today, great 2nd F during the Indian Run about him not wanting to wake up his bro this morning because he had a big basketball game later on

*Q calls Rock Groiner Thrusts, to which someone exclaims "wow, how long did it take you to come up with that one?" 

*Goodwrench does the math that nobody wanted to hear on the 10 Merkins/10Burpee 4-Round Sprints and exclaims: "So you know that's like 80 push ups for 4 rounds?" 

*I promised to not call any bear crawls today and I kept my word

*As always, it was a pleasure to lead and by led by you men