Where’s the Rain?!?!?

Event Date

Dec 23, 2015

Despite the warning on Monday that lots of rain was on the way, 8 men braved the foggy gloom to welcome the question "where's the rain?".  Well no rain, but the sweat was coming down.  Here's what happened:


Arm Circles and shoulder stretches

Windmills – 10IC

Wrist Stretches (some of us apparently don't need to do this?)

Mtn Climbers – 10IC

SSH – 20IC

The Thang:

Quarter mile catchup
10IC Dive Bomber Merkins
Karaoke left 100 yards
Plank till all there (hold 30 sec once last person arrives)
Repeat each 100 yards with:
10IC wide Merkins
High knees 100yards
Reverse plank hold
10IC T plank Merkins
Karaoke right 100y
Plank hold
10IC Diamond Merkins
Butt kickers
Reverse Plank hold 
Wall work:
People's chair (1 min)
Balls to the wall (OYO long as)
People's chair (30 sec)
Wall push offs (45 sec)
Mustang's Intro to the
"3 Minute Get It":
5 – Alligator Push-ups
10 – Jump Tucks
15 – 180 jump squats
Repeat until time expires
Repeato 1 more time w/ 1 min rest between.
Repeat quarter mile catchup with 5IC each merkin type
IST – 10IC
Peter Parkers (low plank) – 10IC
Left/Right hip dips 10IC each
Slo-mo Mason Twist – 10 IC



For humans one of the most difficult things for us to overcome is, waiting.  We are a here and now people, and the world obliges us with today's conveniences.  Although sometimes in the world and life; waiting is a must.  It is this time in waiting that can truly shape our character and who we are in this life and how we can change the world around us.
What if God has something for us that can only be found in waiting?  This can be a multitude of things; a job, a child, health, a sign things are turning for the better.  Psalm 37: 7&34
"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him" 
"Wait for the Lord and keep his way"
Who are we becoming while we wait?  Do we take the time in waiting to reflect on those things that matter the most to us or let the pain or discomfort of the moment overburden us?  Staying strong in the Lord, knowing he is with us in all we are going through, brings us reassurance that things will be ok.  This patience defines us and allows us to persevere thru anything that life throws at us.  Do we look for those small signs of hope or do we let the moment overcome us and consume us.  It is in these small signs that the Lord is talking to us, telling us he is there, our hand in his as he leads us through this life.  Look around, the signs are everywhere.  The person or loved one beside you, the brief good news in a laundry list of concerns, a smile, a tear of compassion.
Do we grow impatient, tired, weary?  Yes.  That is the danger of not trusting and being righteous in the Lord.  We, alone in our waiting will have the tendency to give up.  This is why God sent his son to us and who continues to live amongst us as the Holy Spirit.  When life gets hard and the pain wells up is when we are most vulnerable to forgetting his presence and love.  Have patience as these things are only temporary.
Waiting; the most important tool God uses to shape us.  In waiting, practice obedience to the Lord, trust in the Lord, cling to the Lord knowing that he will always be there.  That is why he is Emmanuel (God with us)!


Kudos to Cheetah, Mulligan, Skipper and Clark for some pre-workout running.  Yes, Clark was there BEFORE the start of a workout!  

A lot of mumblechatter I conveniently missed during the workout.  Except during the "3 minute get it" rather quiet.  So sound off.  

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today. It was an honor.
