Which came first, the Murph or the Murpher

11 posted to what may be perhaps the last chilly #TheMurph of the season. 11 is a strong showing for a Murph.

Disclaimer given. Any new guys may need instruction…Einhorns first Murph (full Murph anyway, he did a half of one on Saturday, today's was just about as wet). He looked confused at first, but now that I reflect on it, he may have been giving me the "you can't be serious look".  Well let me tell you, may name is Clark and to answer the famous adage… "Yes, Clark is serious"

Timer started to keep us honest and rested between "sets" 20 rounds 1:15 (5-10-15)

1 Mile run (ish)
100 pull-ups
200 'mericans
300 Squats
1 Mile run

Which came first, the sin or the sinner? Kinda like anything else. The hate or the hater? The love or the lover, the chicken or the egg? We are not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we are sinners.


  • It was unclear if Einhorn was confused about #TheMurph or if he just woke up confused or if he just has a Resting Confused Face all the time.Either way, completely sloshed shoes or not…Einhorn, untucked his, ummm, shirt, and provided a beautiful point after touchdown.
  • YHC and Shakeweight ran on injured reserve, 
  • Much MC as YHC was doing modified Squats (that's what I'm calling it) and got called out by Mater.
  • YHC calls out Mater saying he will do a real squat after he completes a full pull-up. It went on from there, but all in good fun.
  • On a serious note, we don't do enough pull-ups.
  • Scope gets a mid workout join from Bertha on the Austrailian pull-up bars
  • Abrams is gonna Abrams, runs the 1st mile in 7:22 then gets faster by 15 seconds on the 2nd mile. I know this because we could hear him hacking up a lung for 3 minutes after each run. If Abrams isn't hacking a lung after a run, he wasn't running hard. All that a week after 30+ miles over 24 hours in the P200 is solid.
  • Iron Horse delares tomorrow as a rest day
  • Royle was quiet today. He along with SWFL (who I'm guessing had his knees replaced with either torsional springs or from a gazelle) just tore it up. 
  • Thriftshop avoided all fireants again today.
  • Prayers up for PAX marriages