There was running

There was rucking

There was kettlebelling, and the normal amount of mumblechatter and some absolute whining

An FNG (Josh McLaughlin, NKA Flerken) returned one day after losing his dairy breakfast at his first post.  

I didn't have to use my AK

I gotta say it was a good day



  • Mosey around the fountain
  • Bidirectional Karaoke
  • Butt Kickers

Pause at fountain for 7 minute warmup of 11 exercises NOT IN CADENCE, 30 seconds each

SSH, Al Gore, Merkin, LBC, Step Up, Squat, Dip, Plank, High Knees, Lunge, Manmaker Merkin

The whining, oh the whining.  I felt like a father on a long car trip wondering how far backwards I could reach and smack somebody.


Mosey back to bells, line up in the grass for some stacks – start with one exercise, run to other end, 5 burpees, return, then add one exercise to the stack, finally removing one at a time.  A total of 432 trips across the grass field.

  • KB Swings x20
  • Outhouse curls x20
  • Goblet Squats x20
  • Skull Crushers x20 (last round IC to avoid disqualification)

return to circle



  • WWII x10 IC
  • J-Lo x10 IC
  • Heels to Heaven X10 IC


Naked Man Moleskin

Flerken is the name – cats, dairy and parts is the game.

Excellent turnout today!  Thanks to all who showed up not because my Qs get you a top notch physical workout, but because you wanted to help me celebrate 5 years of bliss in the F3 Nation.  Thank you to all my F3 brothers who help me find purpose but also help me act like a kid for a little while each morning.

During a brief respite, rather than a 10 count we went down the line and asked each PAX to announce who EH'd them to F3, and who Q'd their first workout.  A wide range of names, which proves that F3 is doing what it was meant to do.

Tomorrow – Brickyard – don't be late.
