White Lines

Event Date

Feb 26, 2019

Seven strapping specimens came to the Quarry against the backdrop of Melle Mel’s cautionary tale of the dangers of drug use in the song White Lines (Don’t Do It). To use the proper nomenclature, the workout was ‘rang dang diggedy dang di-dang’.


Q arrived fashionably late. Believe the crew did some SSH and Cherry pickers before he joined the circle. We then did TS, Windmill and Mercans

The Thang:

Go to the end of the parking lot.  Make 2 teams of two, and one team of 3 since there was an odd number. 

Each team of partners lines up on the edge of the parking lot.  Notice the “White Lines” that go across the parking lot where three separate cones were placed.  The first partner in the team does a burpee suicide. This is done by running 10 yards to a cone, doing a burpee, then running back to the start; then running 20 yards and doing two burpees and running back to the start, and then running 30 yards and doing three burpees then running back to the start.

At the same time, the other partner is doing the exercises prescribed below.  When the partner doing the burpee suicide finishes, the other partner starts their burpee suicide, and the partner who just ran continues the exercise count until the total amount of exercises is reached.

Exercises are as follows:

  • 100 CDD

  • 200 ‘Mericans

  • 300 Flutter kicks (only count the right leg)

  • 400 Squats


Sampler pack across the Pax, but cannot exactly recall who did what and if we really did all of these

  • Freddie Mercury

  • Downward dog knee/abs thing

  • WWII

  • Mason twist

  • LBC

  • Monkey humpers, aka Tigre gauntlet


  • Speaking on behalf of the crew, I felt like suicide burpees were extremely well received

  • If the Q is the subject of epithets and otherwise threatening language, then and only then can you feel like you have properly hit the mark

  • What comes after 400?

  • We almost had to forgo the white line for a chalk line marking a body towards the end

  • The more “seasoned” team of three could not seem to properly add up and accumulate the collective number of reps once the numbers climbed into the 200’s

  • It is difficulty to demonstrate any level of independent thinking when life revolves around a lesson plan

  • Hola. Me llamo Grip….

  • Pretty certain CMS security cameras are not faced towards the parking lot, which is a very good thing

  • Your daily public service message: White Lines – DON’T DO IT!

  • It’s both an honor and a privilege